How to do business with JIEDDO
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The Joint IED Defeat Organization invites and engages industry, academia and national labs to solicit counter-IED solutions, and encourages proactive teaming among the institutions to address defeating the IED.

JIEDDO's intention is to solicit counter-IED proposals (including quad charts and white papers) for the Department of Defense. The DoD is seeking innovative near-term counter-IED capabilities that can be rapidly developed, demonstrated and fielded within six-to-18 months. JIEDDO will only select proposals that can be fielded within 18 months from contract award.

The JIEDDO Broad Agency Announcement

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive solicitation procedure used to obtain proposals for basic and applied research. The BAA may be accessed at the JIEDDO BIDS Portal, a secure website used 1) to collect all unclassified submissions, and 2) to collect placeholder records for all classified submissions. The BAA Information Delivery System (BIDS) website is provided as a tool for dissemination and receipt of data related to active solicitations for JIEDDO programs. BIDS also provides submission progress tracking, evaluation comment collection and results notification back to the submitter.

Submitting a proposal

A proposal consists of a white paper of no more than 12 pages plus a cover page in response to Phase 2 of this BAA. All submission pages shall be double-spaced with fonts no smaller than 10 point; all margins shall be one inch.

A BAA quad chart with a document header and four quadrants conveys the essence of the proposed solution on a single page. When preparing a submission, the offeror shall ensure the specific criteria of the requirement are addressed, the solution is clear and can be accomplished with the proposed technology, cost and schedule.

Please direct all BAA / BIDS questions to BIDS Help Desk

Joint IED Capability Approval and Acquisition Management Process (JCAAMP)

First published in 2007 and most recently updated in December 2010, JCAAMP is JIEDDO's rapid acquisition process to identify counter-IED urgent needs and operational capability gaps; to aggressively seek, acquire and assess potential solutions to these gaps through extensive finding networks; and to place approved initiatives into the hands of warfighters for operational assessment and deployment.

JCAAMP Process

JCAAMP provides a smooth transition to one or more of the services or agencies for those initiatives ultimately determined to possess an enduring counter-IED capability. The JCAAMP process begins by leveraging extensive finding networks comprised of industry, academia, military service and DoD laboratories, as well as other government agencies to develop potential counter-IED solutions to urgent needs and operational capability gaps. Our outreach efforts generate both formal and informal relationships with corporations, universities and research centers, and government labs.

JIEDDO's development strategy, reflected in JCAAMP, is that of an investment bank. Off-the-shelf, relatively inexpensive solutions are brought to bear immediately, while high-potential and near-ready technologies are developed and fielded quickly to forces on the ground. To balance out this portfolio, JIEDDO takes measured risks with nascent technologies or those needing a great deal of refinement and iterative testing. With a balanced mix of risk and expediency, JCAAMP helps create a steady pipeline of tools and initiatives needed for a proactive fight against IEDs.

Potential counter-IED initiatives enter JCAAMP through a variety of methods where they are developed and validated for funding. Once funded, initiatives are tested, deployed and operationally assessed. Initiatives ultimately transition or transfer to the military services, normally after a sustainment period of up to two fiscal years that commences after an approved operational assessment. Initiatives not transitioning to service programs of record are terminated.

JCAAMP dramatically shortens, from years to months, the time between recognition of a developing IED threat and the placement of a counter-IED initiative into the hands of warfighters. JIEDDO's goal is to find and develop an initiative within four-to-12 months and to deploy and assess that initiative within 12-to-24 months.