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USTR Press Office Week Ahead: September 24-28


Monday, September 24

USTR will hold a public hearing on U.S. negotiating objectives with respect to Canada’s participation in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Washington, DC
Open Press
Please RSVP to Kate Villarreal at

Ambassador Sapiro will meet with Moroccan Minister of Industry, Trade and New Technologies Abdelkader Amara and Deputy Ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

New York, NY
Closed Press

Tuesday, September 25

No public events.

Wednesday, September 26

Ambassador Kirk will meet with industry representatives from the National Cotton Council.

Washington, DC
Closed Press

Thursday, September 27

Ambassador Kirk and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Jackson will co-chair the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee Meeting (TEPAC).

Washington, DC
Closed Press

Friday, September 28

Ambassador Kirk will participate in a White House Business Council roundtable discussion and deliver remarks on how the Obama Administration’s trade policy increases U.S. exports and American jobs.

Miami, FL
Open Press Events
Contact Andrea Mead at for more information.

** Additional events may be announced throughout the week.