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More than 11,000 companies, associations, and organizations have joined as "Workplace Partners" and helped to register more than 580,000 organ and tissue donors.

Each day, an average of 77 Americans receive a life-saving organ transplant, and thousands more benefit from cornea and tissue transplants.

As of March 2011, more than 111,000 people were awaiting an organ transplant in the U.S.

More than 100 people die every week while on the national transplant list waiting for an organ.


The United States Department of Health and Human Services started the WPFL.

HRSA is one agency within HHS and is the primary federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated, or medically vulnerable.

HRSA’s Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Transplantation provides oversight of the national system of recovery, allocation, and transplantation activities.

HRSA conducts professional and public education initiatives, including grant and research projects and the Workplace Partnership for Life and the National Donation Campus Challenge, a Workplace Partnership project.

Workplace Partnership for Life

Workplace Partners have helped register thousands of new
donors in the U.S.

Get Involved!

Join the Workplace Partnership for Life and help save lives.

What is the Workplace Partnership for Life?

The Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) is a national initiative, created in 2001, that unites the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with the organ and tissue donation community and businesses, organizations, and associations to spread the word about the importance of organ, eye, tissue, blood, and bone marrow donation and to encourage the American public to register as donors. This nationwide network of more than 11,000 “Partners” includes local, regional, and national companies, associations, unions, and academic, volunteer, philanthropic, and community-focused organizations of all kinds. Their shared goal is promoting a "donation-friendly America" by fostering donation education and creating opportunities for individuals to sign up to save lives through organ and tissue donation.

What Do Workplace Partners Do?

Workplace Partners make a commitment to educate their employees, members, and/or customers on the critical importance of blood, bone marrow, and organ and tissue donation and join to provide opportunities for people to register as donors. Workplace Partners join with HRSA and local donation organizations and other groups to help educate their constituents about organ and tissue, blood and bone marrow donation.

  •  Workplace Partners create and share innovative donation-awareness programs, tailored to their companies or organizations
  • One key strategy is Give 5—Save Lives. Workplace Partners select one to three dates and give employees five minutes during those work days to sign up to become donors.
  • Workplace Partners use or customize materials and tools such as email blasts, fact sheets, newsletter articles, and Web banners available from HHS to encourage donation in their workplace.

> Hospital Campaign Tool Kit

> Give Five, Save Lives Materials

> Campus Campaign Tool Kit

How to Get Started?

Sign up as a Workplace Partner today!

If you would like to become a Workplace Partner, submit the sign up form below by e-mail, fax or mail to:

Workplace Partnership for Life
Attn: Venus Walker
Division of Transplantation
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12C-05
Rockville, MD 20857


Fax: (301) 594-6095

Sign Up Form: (*required fields)

  • HRSA will contact Workplace Partners to assist with campaign planning, and connect all Partners with local organ and tissue donation organizations to help facilitate a successful workplace campaign.
  • Use the Workplace Partner Tool Kit materials as guides and to support your company's or association's workplace campaign.

> Materials and Resources

  •  Partner with your local organ and tissue donation organization. They can support your Workplace Partnership for life campaign with additional ideas, resources, and materials.
  • Be inspired! Check out these Workplace Partner Stories to read about some of the successful campaigns led by our Workplace Partners and donation organizations.

Contact us if you have questions,


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