Administration on Aging

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service

Department of Housing & Urban Development

Department of Veterans Affairs

Employee Benefits Security Administration

Environmental Protection Agency

National Center for Health Statistics

National Institute on Aging

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation, HHS

Office of Management & Budget

Social Security Administration

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

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Subject Area Contacts

Contact List for Aging-Related Statistics in the Federal Government

View Legend

Demographic Characteristics
Census Data Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3977
Centenarians Census Bureau Wan He (301) 763-1457
Centenarians NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Demographics USDA Carolyn Rogers (202) 694-5436
Estimates (National) Census Bureau Kristen West (301) 763-2103
Estimates (State) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2385
Ethnicity/Spanish Origin Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2403
Family Census Bureau Jason Fields
(301) 763-2465
Gender Census Bureau Renee Spraggins (301) 763-2378
Institutionalized Population Census Bureau Denise Smith (301) 763-2378
Institutionalized Population NCHS Genevieve Strahan (301) 458-4527
International Census Bureau Wan He (301) 763-1457
International NCHS Sam Notzon (301) 458-4402
International SSA Barbara Kritzer (202) 358-6213
Living Arrangements Census Bureau Jason Fields (301) 763-2465
Marital Status Census Bureau Rose Kreider (301) 763-2465
Projections (National) Census Bureau Ward Kingkade (301) 763-2397
Projections (National) Census Bureau Fred Hollmann (301) 763-2397
Projections (State) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2397
Projections (Actuarial) SSA Alice Wade (410) 965-3009
Race Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2402
Race/Ethnicity NCHS Jacqueline Lucas (301) 458-4355
Rural Aging HRSA Joan Van Nostrand (301) 443-0835
Rural & Nonmetropolitan Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2419
Rural & Nonmetropolitan NCHS Mark Eberhardt (301) 458-4201
Veterans Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3242
Veterans GAO Cynthia Bascetta (202) 512-7207
Veterans Demographic Information  VA Cathy Tomczak (202) 461– 5769
Economic Characteristics
Earnings BLS Staff (202) 691-6378
Earnings/Statistics SSA Greg Diez (410) 965-5530
Economic FTC Connie Wagner (202) 326-3309
Income Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3242
Income Security GAO Alicia Cackley (202) 512-7022
Labor Force Data BLS Staff
(202) 691-6378
Poverty Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3242
Research/Retirement SSA Joyce Manchester (202) 358-6404
Retirement Issues GAO Alicia Cackley (202) 512-7022
Retirement Policy SSA Pat Vinkenes (202) 258-6110
Retirement Research/Simulation Models SSA Howard Iams (202) 385-6217
Retirement/Statistics SSA Rona Blumenthal (410) 965-0163
Simulation Model Research SSA David Pattison (202) 358-6240
Social Security Bulletin
SSA Karyn Tucker (202) 358-6267
Supplemental Security Income/Statistics SSA Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016
Survivors Insurance SSA Rona Blumenthal (410) 965-0163
Health Status and Health Care
Activities of Daily Living NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Ambulatory Care NCHS Catharine Burt (301) 458-4126
Arthritis NIH/NIAMS Reva Lawrence (301) 594-5014
Cardiovascular Disease NIH/NHLBI Thomas Tom (301) 435-0710
Deaths NCHS Donna Hoyert (301) 458-4279
Death Rates NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Dental Health NCHS Bruce Dye (301) 458-4199
Diabetes NCHS Mark Eberhardt (301) 458-4201
Disability DHHS/ACF/ADD Diane Winford (202) 690-5963
Disability DOE David Keer (202) 205-5633
Disability NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Disability Research SSA John Kearney (410) 965-6386
Disability Research/ Evaluation SSA Kalman Rupp (202) 358-6216
Disability/SSI Policy SSA Richard Balkus (202) 358-6012
Environment EPA Kathy Sykes (202) 564-3651
Epidemiology Requests SSA Mike Risha (410) 966-4868
Health and Diet NCHS Anne Looker (301) 458-4352
Health Care DHHS/ODPHP Ann Marie Lee (202) 690-2481 
Health Care HRSA Kathleen Bond (301) 443-8681
Health Status USDA Mike Haga (703) 305-2613
Healthy People 2010 DHHS/ODPHP Deborah Maiese (202) 401-5809
Healthy People 2010 HRSA Melissa Clarke (301) 443-5277
Injury NCHS Lois Fingerhut (301) 458-4213
Last Year of Life NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Life Cycle NIH/NICHD Christine Bachrach (301) 496-1174
Life Expectancy
NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Lifetime Medical Costs NCHS James Lubitz (301) 458-4354
Limitation of Activity NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Long Term Care AHRQ William Spector (301) 594-6820
Long Term Care NCHS Genevieve Strahan (301) 458-4527
Medicaid CMS Office of Info. Services (410) 786-0165
Medicare CMS Office of Info. Services (410) 786-3689
Mental Health NCHS Laurie Pratt (301) 458-4447
Mental Health SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Mortality NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Nursing Homes NCHS Genevieve Strahan (301) 458-4527
Physical Fitness DHHS/ODPHP Christine Spain (202) 690-5148
Women's Health DHHS/ODPHP Saralynn Mark (202) 690-7650
Behavioral and Social Characteristics
Behavioral & Social NSF Cheryl Eavey (703) 292-5111
Behavioral & Social Research NIH/NIA Georgeanne Patmios (301) 496-3131
Behavioral & Social Sciences Research NIH/OBSSR Ronald Abeles (301) 496-7859
Crime DOJ Duane Ragan (202) 307-2021
Crime (Statistics) DOJ Patsy Klaus  
Crime (Statistics) DOJ Larry Greenfeld (202) 616-3281
Housing HUD Mark Schroder (202) 708-0614
Housing HUD Ronald Sepanik (202) 708-1060
Housing Conditions Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3242
Population & Housing USDA Sue Harris-Green (202) 720-1660
Productivity & Technology DOL Linda Moeller (202) 691-5035
Substance Abuse SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Transportation DOT Elizabeth Alicandri (202) 366-4000
Transportation DOT Essie Wagner (202) 366-1361
Transportation DOT
John Eberhard (202) 366-5595
Data Resources and Information Services
Aging-Related Statistics Federal Forum Traci Cook (301) 458-4082
Census Surveys Census Bureau Adrienne Oneto (301) 763-3879
Current Population Survey BLS Staff (202) 691-6378
Current Population Survey Census Bureau Gregory Weyland (301) 763-3806
Data Resources AoA Robert Hornyak (202) 357-0150
Data Resources Indian Health Service Edna Paisano (301) 443-1537
Data Resources NIH/NCI Brenda Edwards (301) 496-8506
Data Resources Library of Congress Carol O'Shaughnessy (202) 707-7329
Data Warehouse on Trends in Health and Aging  NCHS Yelena Gorina (301) 458-4241
Decennial Census Census Bureau Arthur Cresce (301) 763-8358
Longitudinal Studies of Aging NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey CMS Gerry Adler (410) 786-7938
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey AHRQ Karen Beaureguard (301) 594-0454
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (Nursing Home Component) AHRQ D.E.B. Potter (301) 594-1061
Nat’l Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NCHS Clifford Johnson (301) 458-4292
NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study NCHS Christine Cox (301) 458-4164
National Health Interview Survey NCHS Jane Gentleman (301) 458-4001
National Health Interview Survey on Disability NCHS Jane Gentleman (301) 458-4001
National Home and Hospice Care Survey NCHS Barbara Haupt (301) 458-4263
Nat’l Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey NCHS Catharine Burt (301) 458-4126
National Hospital Discharge Survey NCHS
Robert Pokras (301) 458-4439
National Longitudinal Survey BLS NLS Staff (202) 691-7410
National Medical Expenditure Survey AHRQ D.E.B. Potter (301) 594-1061
National Mortality Followback Survey NCHS Jim Weed (301) 458-4561
National Nursing Home Survey NCHS Genevieve Strahan (301) 458-4527
National Nursing Home Follow-up Survey NCHS Sandra Rothwell (301) 458-4469
National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery NCHS Robert Pokras (301) 458-4439
Policy (Senate Special Committee on Aging) Senate Staff (202) 224-5364
SSA Data Sharing Agreements SSA Joel Packman (410) 965-5530
SSA OP Library SSA Concepcion McNeace (202) 358-6276
SSA OP Web Master SSA Laurie Brown (202) 358-6406
SSA Publication Requests SSA Karyn tucker (202) 358-6274
SAMHSA Policy & Program Coordination SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Survey of Consumer Finances Federal Reserve System Arthur Kennickell (202) 452-2247
Survey of Income & Program Participation Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3242
VA Surveys VA Cathy Tomczak (202) 273-9179

Last Modified: 12/31/1600 7:00:00 PM