Healthy Start Block Grant

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) administers the Healthy Start program which is designed to increase the access to and utilization of health care services for low-income women during pregnancy and in the months following delivery in areas of high infant mortality and shortages of healthcare providers. There are vast disparities in perinatal care due to income, education, disability, and housing stability, and this program improves outcomes for mothers and children in the critical time surrounding birth. Funded programs also promote increased time between pregnancies which has been shown by many studies to improve child health outcomes.  Case management workers provide follow up care for two years following birth.  Women experiencing homelessness often do not have the resources to access proper care during and following the birth of a child. This program expands service provider outreach programs to at-risk women and children and builds the capacity of programs currently serving this population.

View the program website

Eligible Applicants:

First level: states, territories, and tribal governments.
Second level: Local public and non-profit service providers.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Low-income women and children are the primary beneficiaries of this block grant funding.

Funding Mechanism:

Funding is allocated to states, territories, and tribes through the Maternal and Child Health Services Bureau of the Department of HRSA, and then to Healthy Start programs in areas of greatest need determined by the states, territories, or tribes.