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Industry Circular

Number: 72-16
Date: June 12, 1972

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms Division
Washington, D.C. 20224


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Proprietors of Distilled Spirits Plants, Manufacturers of Liquor Bottles, Importers, Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Others Concerned:

The experiments to package and market distilled spirits in PVC liquor bottles and non-rigid miniature containers were extended in Industry Circular 71-26 to June 30, 1972, to allow sufficient time for the preparation and distribution of a draft environmental impact statement on the possible environmental effects of PVC plastic. The draft statement was prepared and its availability was announced in Industry Circular 72-5, dated March 9, 1972.

Comments on the draft statement have been received from the Environmental Protection Agency, other governmental agencies, and the general public. Some of these comments have raised serious questions with respect to the effects of PVC plastics on solid waste disposal systems and on the general environment. In view of these comments, we have determined than an in-depth study on such questions is necessary prior to the issuance of the final environmental impact statement, upon which the final decision as to the suitability of polyvinyl chloride plastic for the manufacture of liquor bottles will be based.

We expect to complete the aforementioned study before the end of this calendar year. Therefore, we are extending the current experiment to package distilled spirits in semi-rigid PVC liquor bottles for six months. Accordingly, applications previously approved for such packaging are hereby extended to December 31, 1972.

In view of the difficulties encountered in packaging distilled spirits in non-rigid miniature containers and their limited market, the experimental packaging of distilled spirits in non-rigid miniature containers for use by passenger airlines will be terminated on June 30, 1972. Proprietors authorized to use such containers under the experimental program may continue to use them until that date and may continue to ship their supplies of filled containers on hand as of the termination date, provided such shipments do not continue beyond three months from such termination date.

Rex Davis

Rex D. Davis,

Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division

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