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Industry Circular

Number: 71-5
Date: March 26, 1971

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Division
Washington, D.C. 20224


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Proprietors of Distilled Spirits plants, and others concerned:

Purpose. This circular is issued to advise you of the May 1971 revision of Form 2730, Monthly Report of Production Operations; and Form 2731, Monthly Report of Bonded Storage Operations.

Form 2730 Monthly Report of Production Operations. Form 2730 has been revised to

(1) provide separately in Part I for reporting withdrawals of brandy produced at "170°or under" and "over 170°" and

(2) include in Part III data as to the type of cooperage used for packaging whisky.

Form 2731 Monthly Report of Bonded Storage Operations. Form 2731 has been revised to require a separate report, commencing May 1971, for each of the following: domestic spirits, imported spirits, Puerto Rican spirits, and Virgin Island spirits.

A new column has been added for reporting transactions in light whisky which are currently reported in column (j). Also, the column headed "Brandy" has been subdivided into two columns for reporting brandy distilled at "170° or under" and "over 170°."

Distribution and use of revised forms. Your Assistant Regional Commissioner will furnish you with an initial supply of revised Forms 2730 and 2731 as soon as they are available. The revised reports should be used commencing with reports for the month of May 1971.

Inquiries. Inquiries regarding this circular should refer to its number and be addressed to your Assistant Regional Commissioner, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

Rex Davis

Rex D. Davis,

Acting Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division

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