News & Events

National Disability Inclusion Leadership Development Institute - December 10 - 11

The National Disability Inclusion Leadership Development Institute will be held on December 10 - 11, 2012 in Arlington, VA. This event is for new and experienced leaders in the national service field who are looking for state-of-the-art approaches to implement and/or provide basic disability inclusion capacity building. Reduced price for early registration. Register online.

AAPD Hearne Leadership Awards Program - Deadline November 5

The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) will be awarding two individuals $10,000 each to help them continue their commitment to the disability community and connect their work with AAPD’s national outreach. The winners will meet national disability leaders at the AAPD Leadership Gala in Washington, DC in March 2013. Application deadline is November 5, 2012.

United Spinal Joins Disability Gas Coalition to Improve Gas Station Accessibility

United Spinal Association has joined the Paralyzed Veterans of America to form the Disability Gas Coalition, which is working to get assistance at the gas pumps for people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires assistance with pumping gas when there is more than one employee on duty. However, people who use wheelchairs, Veterans with disabilities and other people with disabilities can't always get this help at gas stations.

National Council on Disability Releases 2012 State of the Union on Federal Disability Policy

The National Council on Disability has released its annual progress report on national disability policy. The report examines disability policy over the past year and reviews how emerging trends and government policies affect the quality of life of people with disabilities. The report covers three main policy areas, living, learning and earning, and makes recommendations on independent living, the education of children with disabilities, making U.S. currency accessible, and many other issues.

Justice Department Signs Agreement with Schuylkill County, PA to Improve Access to Public Areas for People with Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Justice has signed an agreement with Schuylkill County, PA to make sure that people with disabilities have full access to all aspects of community life. The agreement is part of Project Civic Access, the department's effort to make sure that public facilities are accessible in counties, cities, towns and villages comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Access to public facilities includes access to parking, public bathrooms, entrances into buildings and food service areas.

U.S. Access Board to Hold Public Meetings on Bus Accessibility - September 19 & October 2

The U.S. Access Board will hold public information meetings to gather information on bus accessibility as part of its update of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles. The meetings will focus on the usability of recent bus designs that have portions of ramps remaining inside the vehicle to reduce their exterior projection. The first meeting will be from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on September 19, 2012 in Washington, D.C. A second meeting will be held 2:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. on October 2, 2012 in Seattle, WA. The Board also will be accepting written comments on this subject until October 31, 2012.  

New Grants Will Help Seniors & People with Disabilities Stay Independent

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced $12.5 million in awards to Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) that provide information and referrals about long-term services and supports for seniors and people with disabilities. ADRCs in every state help people, regardless of their income or financial assets, live independently in their own homes and communities.

Settlement Agreement Approved between U.S. & Virginia on Services to Individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has approved a comprehensive settlement agreement between the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia. The agreement resolves the findings that Virginia’s system for serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA requires that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities be given the opportunity to live and receive services in the community.

National Disability Institute's Financial Wellness Series Begins September 5

The National Disability Institute will present a webinar series featuring six, free 90-minute online programs. Each webinar will begin at 3 p.m. Eastern Time on select Wednesdays starting in September and continue each month through December 2012. The series will address financial, tax and public benefits for people living with multiple sclerosis, their families and caregivers. However, the topics would be of interest to all people with disabilities. The first webinar, Being Money Smart, will be held on September 5, 2012 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Register online for each webinar.

President Obama Meets with Youth with Disabilities

Recently President Obama met with some young people with disabilities to hear their thoughts about the future of disability policy. In this video the president discusses disability issues with participants from the American Association of People with Disabilities internship program.

2012 Annual Compendium of Disability Statistics & Research to Policy Roundtable - November 28

Save-the-date for the for the Compendium release briefing on November 28, 2012 in Washington, D.C. The Compendium is a Web-based tool that pools together disability statistics from various federal agencies in one place to make finding and using disability statistics easier. The roundtable will follow the briefing giving disability advocates, policymakers and researchers the opportunity to discuss how research relating to people with disabilities. Registration will open in September. Check back for ongoing information.

Education Department Awards Research Grant to Improve Work & Living Opportunities for People with Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a grant to The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) of Houston, TX, to do research to improve living and work situations for people with disabilities. TIRR will study factors that influence community living, community participation, and work and economic participation of people with disabilities. The project will support integration, employment and self-sufficiency so individuals with disabilities can achieve their full potential.

U.S. Access Board Requests Information on Bus Access Ramps - Comments Due October 31

The U.S. Access Board has extended the comment period on proposed updates to its Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles to collect more information on bus ramps. The Board will hold public meetings to discuss the usability and impacts of certain bus ramp designs that have been implemented more recently. Meetings will be held September 19, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C., and in early October in Seattle, WA. Comment deadline is October 31, 2012.

Justice Department Extends Deadline for Swimming Pools to Comply with 2010 ADA Standards

The Justice Department has announced an extension for existing swimming pools to comply with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. Existing pools now have until January 31, 2013 to comply with the standards. These standards were developed to make sure that buildings and facilities, including swimming pools, are accessible to more than 54 million Americans with disabilities. The department will be issuing a technical assistance document to help pool owners understand and comply with the accessibility requirements.

HHS & Education Department Launch New 'Stop Bullying' Website

The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Education have launched a redesigned Stop Bullying website to encourage children, parents, teachers and communities to take action to stop and prevent bullying. The website has information on state laws and policies and videos for young people, along with practical strategies for schools and communities to make sure that environments are safe. It also includes suggestions on how parents can discuss bullying with their children and information on the dangers of cyberbullying and ways to prevent it.

Grant Announcement for Research to Help Older Adults Maintain Health & Independence in the Community

The National Institute on Aging and the Administration on Aging invite applications for translational research proposals that will develop new interventions, programs, policies, practices and tools for community-based organizations to help older adults remain healthy and live independently. Applications may be submitted beginning May 5, 2011.