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Life Stories: He Saved Five Lives in His 60s

Ernest Goh Ernest Goh

Organ Donor: Claremont, CA

Ernest Goh was a person who loved life. “My husband always said that life is a journey and that we must enjoy the trip,” said his wife Bernice. He also was committed to being an organ donor—and told his family how much he believed in it. “He put the pink dot on his driver’s license himself,” remembers Bernice. “He said that when we pass away, we must put all of our assets to good use.”

When Ernest died unexpectedly at 61, his family knew what to do. It was a difficult time, Bernice says, “but I am very proud of him for making the decision. With his donation, five lives have been saved. He did a great thing.”

Ernest’s story is courtesy of OneLegacy, Los Angeles, CA.

“With his donation, five lives have been saved. He did a great thing.”

— Bernice Goh


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