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Can a cadet be disenrolled for poor athletic performance?

Yes. Cadets who fail to pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) or the Aerobic Fitness Test (AFT) will meet a Physical Education Review Committee, which reviews athletic deficiencies. The Physical Education Review Committee may place a cadet on athletic probation, initiate corrective action, or make recommendations regarding retention to the Director of Athletics or the Academy Board.

Do all cadets participate in the athletic program?

Yes. All cadets are required to participate in the athletic program, which includes both physical education courses and competitive sports. Athletic participation contributes greatly to those attributes normally associated with the development of Air Force leadership potential. Participation helps you develop courage, initiative, team spirit and the will to win. Most cadets find that they enjoy sports as a release from academic schedules - and many become skilled beyond their expectations.

Does the athletic program differ for men and women?

Women participate in all athletic activities except boxing, football and baseball. Women have their own intercollegiate teams in volleyball, basketball, cross-country, fencing, gymnastics, soccer, diving, swimming, tennis and indoor and outdoor track. Women can also compete for places on the varsity rifle team.

What does the athletic program include?

During your first summer in Basic Cadet Training, you'll undergo strenuous physical training to develop strength, endurance, agility and coordination. Conditioning exercises, an obstacle course and a confidence course are all part of this training. During fall and spring semesters, you'll take physical education courses that are part of the curriculum. The physical education instruction includes six core courses, two core electives and two open electives divided among academic, aquatic, combative, developmental, lifetime and team skills. All cadets also receive extensive instruction in competitive athletics either through the varsity athletics or intramural programs.

Why is the falcon the Academy mascot?

The falcon possesses characteristics that typify the U.S. Air Force - speed, graceful flight, courage, alertness and noble carriage. Several prairie falcons, which are native to Colorado and one white gyrfalcon are housed at the Academy. Trained by cadet falconers, the prairie falcons perform demonstrations during half-time activities at football games. The Academy's intercollegiate athletic teams are known as "The Falcons."

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