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Are cadets required to pay income taxes?

Yes, they are. Federal income withholding tax, state tax if applicable and FICA (social security) are deducted from cadet pay. Each cadet must file appropriate federal and state tax returns.

Are special dietary meals provided?

Preparation and service of the 12,000 meals served daily in the Cadet Dining Facility prohibits offering special dietary menus based on religious faiths or individual convictions. However, during the lunch meal, cadets are offered the opportunity to sit at "lite tables" where low-fat, low-calorie meals are served. Vegetarian tables at lunch are available upon request and the evening buffet also provides vegetarian fare.

Do basic cadets get plenty to eat?

Yes, you'll have the opportunity to eat three nutritious meals a day - and with all the physical activities required, you're encouraged to eat well and consume plenty of water.

Does the fourth-class system interfere with academic studies?

No, the system aids and complements the academic environment. The Academy mission is a concentrated, focused process aimed at developing leaders of character through military, academic and athletic endeavors. Your progress in all areas will be carefully monitored during all four years.

How is a cadet assigned to a room and a roommate?

Each cadet is assigned to one of 40 squadrons. Male and female cadets have separate rooms and female cadets have separate bathroom facilities within assigned squadron areas. You'll be assigned a roommate during Basic Cadet Training. Twice during the academic year you'll change roommates according to squadron policies. You'll always room with a member of the same sex and usually the same class. You may keep or change a roommate at these times, depending on your squadron's policy. If a cadet has significant problems, they may request and most likely be granted a change of roommate, if necessary. Siblings are assigned to different squadrons.

I have a tattoo, a brand or a piercing. Can I be admitted?

While having a tattoo or brand does not automatically disqualify you from consideration, it does open the door for rejection based on a more subjective evaluation. Nonremovable piercings are not allowed and must be removed prior to admission. Air Force policy stipulates that tattoos or brands must not be excessive. Nor may they contain inflammatory, obscene, racist, sexist or similar content. Tattoos or brands that fall into any of these categories will cause you to be disqualified for admission. The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board will notify the Admissions Office of any tattoos, brands or nonremovable piercings noted during your medical exam. We will then require that you provide us a color snapshot of each. Assuming your tattoo or brand falls within acceptable limits, you will be allowed to continue in the application process. You should keep the following in mind. Those who review the picture of your tattoo, brand or piercing are of an older generation and may not view body art in the same manner as you. So, if you don't already have a tattoo or brand, think long and hard about whether the risk of possibly losing out on an Academy appointment is worth it.

What are the cadet dining facilities like?

Also called Mitchell Hall, the Cadet Dining Facility is the largest of its kind in the United States Air Force. During the academic year, the entire cadet wing assembles to eat a family-style lunch meal in Mitchell Hall, with buffet-style service provided for breakfast and dinner meals. The facility provides complete food service support for cadets ranging from wing tailgate parties at Falcon Stadium and organizational picnics to box lunches for official travel.

What is a cadet’s day like?

During the academic year, from early August through May, you'll have a busy schedule of classes, study periods, military training and athletic participation. Breakfast formation is at 7:00. You'll rise in time to put your room in order, dress in the cadet uniform of the day and meet the formation. After breakfast you'll attend morning classes, which begin at 7:30 a.m. You'll attend classes or study until 11:20 a.m., when you'll go to your squadron area for the noon meal formation. You'll march to lunch with the cadet wing and have 25 minutes to eat. After lunch there are three classes or study periods in the afternoon, one which includes military training (M-5), followed by athletics, squadron training or extra academic instruction. Evening mealtime is from 5:00 to 6:50 p.m. and academic call to quarters is 7:00 p.m. Some military activities will be required in the evening, but most of the time will be devoted to studying in your room or in the library. Your day ends with taps at 10:30 p.m. The daily schedule will vary during the summer, according to the military training activity in which you're involved, but you'll be busy from early morning throughout the day.

What is a cadet’s room like?

Rooms in the two dormitories, Vandenberg Hall and Sijan Hall, are similar. Each room, which is approximately 13 feet wide and 18 feet long, is designed for two cadets. The room contains two large closets, a counter with a built-in sink, a large mirror and a medicine cabinet. Every cadet room also has a twin size modular bed, dresser and desk for each cadet. There is a proper location for everything you're allowed to have in your room and you'll be expected to keep your room in perfect order.

What is the cadet equivalent to a student in a civilian university?

The Academy uses the class system rather than the equivalent designation characteristic of civilian universities. The comparison is: Fourth-Class = Freshman; Third-Class = Sophomore; Second-Class = Junior; First-Class = Senior.

What is the fourth-class system?

This system is part of a four-class system to train all cadets to be officers. Each class receives training commensurate with their level of cadet experience. This system continues the cadet conversion from civilian to military life. The system prescribes the manner in which Fourth-Class cadets behave toward other cadets and officers. It defines those things you can and cannot do within the cadet area (dormitories, classrooms, dining hall and other facilities). It makes you responsible for learning Fourth-Class Knowledge, including information about the Academy and the Air Force, which is contained in a booklet called "Contrails." It defines responsibilities toward keeping your personal appearance, uniforms, room and equipment neat at all times. It requires you to display prompt obedience, proper conduct, unfailing courtesy and unqualified honor. This training is for a definite purpose: to teach you to accomplish delegated tasks in a professional manner, thus paving the way for progression to becoming an Air Force officer. Cadets develop leadership and command skills by carrying out this program. During the spring semester of the fourth-class year, there is some relaxation of the restrictions in order to prepare you for greater privileges and different responsibilities in the third-class year.

What is the rate of pay for cadets?

Cadets at the service academies are currently entitled to basic pay in the amount of $700.00 per month. Cadets are also entitled to a basic allowance for subsistence of $5.75 per day, which is used for food served at the Cadet Dining Hall. Medical and dental care are provided at no expense to cadets. Your pay is considered sufficient for you to be self-supporting, provided you are economical. The pay is not sufficient to cover any debts contracted prior to entrance, to send money home or to spend on luxury entertainment or expensive personal items.

What items are cadets allowed to have in their rooms?

You'll not be permitted to bring your personal possessions with you when you enter the Academy (except for a few items listed in the cadet appointee instruction booklet). All basic necessities, such as uniforms, bedding and linens, will be furnished when you enter. During the academic year you'll be permitted to have additional items when authorized by the Cadet Wing Commander. You'll be issued a personal computer while at the Academy. You'll be permitted to have a radio or stereo equipment in your room beginning the spring semester of your Fourth-Class year; you must wait until your First-Class year to have a television in your room. You may, at certain times, watch TV in the squadron recreation room. You must wait until your Second-Class year to have most electrical appliances, but a Third-Class cadet may have a coffee pot.

What types of uniforms do cadets wear?

During the academic year male cadets wear a uniform of blue trousers and either long-sleeved or short-sleeved blue shirt. Other uniforms are: dress uniforms with blue jacket and trousers; mess dress for social functions. Female cadets wear either skirts or slacks with the dress uniform. Male and female cadets wear the battle dress uniform (BDUs) for military training.

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