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USSTRATCOM Commander Sees Challenges, Opportunities in Cyberspace

MCC Patrick W. Schuetz
U.S. Strategic Command Public Affairs
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This item is related to: 2009 Cyberspace Symposium
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OMAHA, NE. – Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, Commander, U.S. Strategic Command, welcomed nearly 1,500 participants to the inaugural Cyberspace Symposium here Tuesday, stressing the importance of the cyberspace domain and setting the pace for the two-day conference.

Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command speaks at the inaugural Cyberspace Symposium.
Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command speaks at the inaugural Cyberspace Symposium. (more photos available)

"Cyberspace is a cross-cutting domain, but it's every bit as much like air, land and sea warfighting domains – domains we can expect to be challenged in. Cyberspace demands freedom of action," said Chilton. "This country is dependent on it�and warfighters are dependent on it, not just in cyberspace, but in every other domain."

The joint USSTRATCOM, Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association sponsored symposium is an operations-focused forum designed to increase intellectual capital on cyberspace and encourage information exchange among participants, with the goals of advancing cyberspace capabilities to deliver integrated effects.

"We need this domain and we need these systems to conduct our fight today and tomorrow," said Chilton. "We have to transition from a culture of convenience to a culture of responsibility. We must recognize the vulnerability that one system here can create on the other side of the world."

With the rapidly evolving cyberspace domain, Chilton stressed the importance of training and ensuring each service member recognizes the potential consequences of their actions.

"Every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine in the military is on the frontline of cyber-warfare everyday. They are part of the frontline of defense and, in fact, they are engaged in cyber-operations that matter everyday whether they know it or not."

Symposium events include technical panel sessions, three concurrent track sessions, dynamic addresses from key senior military and industry leaders and more than 30 vendor exhibits.

USSTRATCOM provides global security for America by deterring attacks on U.S. vital interests and defending the nation should deterrence fail; leading, planning and executing strategic deterrence operations; and ensuring U.S. freedom of action in space and cyberspace.

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