llnl logoWednesday, February 13, 2013
Explore Energy Research At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Technologies Analysis Principal Directorates Emerging Technologies

Underground Coal Gasification

Underground coal gasification, known as UCG, is a process that converts coal in-situ to syngas using the Earth's crust as a reactor vessel..

The Challenge

There continues to be a need for the U.S. to develop domestic energy resources to reduce dependence on foreign oil while simultaneously protecting the environment.

The Solution

Recent advancements in UCG technology promise to provide a secure, clean, domestic energy supply from coal seams that are too deep and too low in quality to access economically. LLNL is an international leader in the research necessary for the selection and development of proposed and potential UCG production facilities.


Rocky Mountain Field Test, Colorado, USA.

UCG technology is similar to carbon capture and storage (CCS), and, therefore, to aid in UCG site selection and development, LLNL can leverage existing computer model and simulation software originally developed for CCS. This software can render models of ground levels, water tables, rock formations, coal-seam dimensions and densities, and other physical characteristics at the UCG site. The software can also generate simulations of hydrological and chemical processes that occur underground.

Computer models and simulations are analyzed with the goals of:

Learn More

Fire in the Hole

This Science & Technology Review article describes how underground coal gasification may provide a secure energy supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Wikipedia: Underground coal gasification

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Detailed text and graphics describing underground coal gasification processes.

UCG Association

A global alliance of knowledge, expertise, training, networking and information related to underground coal gasification.

Ergo Exergy Technology Incorporated

Provides UCG technology to a range of commercial projects worldwide.

Carbon Energy

Developed the world's first commerical-scale, oxygen-injected underground coal gasification facility at Bloodwood Creek, Sourth West Queensland.

Global UCG

Brings investment, technology and project delivery capabilities to successfully develop commercial underground coal gasification.

Clean Coal Resources USA

Changing the way clean coal resources can be used for energy and economic development.