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Reexamination Information

How To View Documents In A Reexamination File

From "Public PAIR", type the two verification words and hit "Continue".  Then enter the control number of the reexamination and hit "SEARCH".  Ex parte reexaminations have a control number of the form 90/000,000; inter partes reexaminations have the form 95/000,000.

Reexamination Statistics

These historical statistics are data for requests for reexamination filed since 7/1/1981 (for ex parte) or since 11/29/1999 (for inter partes). They are updated quarterly.

These operational statistics show quarterly volume and timing in processing requests for reexamination. They are updated quarterly.


Filing Compliant Reexamination Requests


Terminology of Reexamination



United States Patent and Trademark Office
This page is owned by Central Reexamination Unit.
Last Modified: 7/24/2012 4:11:17 PM