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Greetings from the Director, Research & Development: Curt Brown

Reclamation faces many challenges in meeting its mission to deliver water and power throughout the West. Increasing competition for water and the maintenance of aging water and power facilities are just two of those challenges.

We research, develop, and promote deployment of tools and technologies that enhance the reliability and efficiency of our water and power deliveries. This is accomplished by Reclamation scientists and engineers who, together with a broad array of outside partners, undertake innovative research and technical investigations.

We emphasize sound science and peer review in all of our programs. We strive to shorten the path between basic research and the application of new knowledge. We do our best to get information generated by research quickly into the hands of end users and the broader public.

Explore our pages and email us with feedback so that we may serve you better.

Curt Brown, Director Research and Development

Last Updated: August 26, 2010