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Event Approval Program

Event Approval ProgramThe Plans, Programs and Institutional Events Division coordinates all requests to hold events at USAFA. Events requiring committee approval are primarily those sponsored by off-base organizations. Meetings or events that are a normal function of a USAFA organization's mission, such as official visits worked by Protocol or periodic social events such as a Dining-In, do not require committee approval. In addition, small meetings or conferences held at the Falcon Club or Falcon Stadium Press Box and attended by military or DOD ID card holders need only be coordinated with the appropriate facility manager. If you have any doubt whether your event requires committee review or have any questions about the approval process, please call 719-333-8815 or 719-333-3451 or email usafa.events@usafa.edu.

The following are required actions prior to committing funds or advertising any special event to be held on USAFA:

-- All off-base event requestors must have a sponsor at the Academy who can assist them in coordinating their event. This project officer will coordinate the event with the base organizations involved, request any required support, and ensure the event is on the USAFA Master Calendar, managed by the superintendent's Commander's Action Group (HQ USAFA/CCX). A useful list of USAFA facility and support contacts is available here.

-- Fundraisers at the Air Force Academy must comply with USAFA Instruction 51-902 (.pdf, 90k), "Fundraising and On Base Solicitation." Prior to submitting your event request form, contact the 10th Force Support Squadron at 719-333-7106 or 719-333-2917 to obtain fund-raising approval information.

-- Prior to submitting your event request, contact your venue for a tentative reservation.

-- The event requester must send a completed event request form (Lotus Notes) to HQ USAFA/A8A no later than 90 days prior to the event date. Complete all blocks on the form and include an agenda and information regarding event security and safety. E-mail completed event requests to usafa.events@usafa.edu.

Event requests are submitted to a committee consisting of members from every major USAFA organization and are reviewed and approved once a month. After committee review, the requestor will be provided an event tracking number indicating whether or not the event was approved. Requestors are cautioned not to obligate funds until they receive event approval. Reasons to deny event support or approval include contractual or regulatory limitations, security conditions, or conflicts with other scheduled activities.

Granting event approval only reserves the event date and does not constitute approval or confirm scheduling of any requested support . The USAFA sponsor must request all USAFA support from the appropriate agencies using the required forms (e.g., Air Force Form 833). Transportation, civil engineering and communications support are generally not available for non-military events held at the Academy. Due to Academy funding and contractual restrictions, the requesting organization might be required to fund or reimburse some or all support costs associated with the requested event.

When promoting or marketing your event, ensure that you follow applicable DOD regulations to avoid an appearance of endorsement by the DOD. For example, all publicity should include the disclaimer "No federal endorsement of (said organization/event) is implied." Publicity may not state that your event is "sponsored by" or "hosted by" the Air Force Academy. Publicity may state that your event will "occur at" or is "held at" USAFA. Publicity should not contain any official DOD, AIr Force or Air Force Academy imagery, trademarked Air Force or Air Force Academy logos nor any material that would imply DOD, Air Force or Air Force Academy endorsement.

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