Press Contacts

Don Kennedy
ECBC Public Affairs Officer
Communications Office


home > who we are

Who We ArePhoto: ECBC employees working in laboratory.

The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) is the nation’s principal research and development resource for non-medical chemical and biological (CB) defense. As a critical national asset in the CB defense community, ECBC supports all phases of the acquisition life-cycle ― from basic and applied research through technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations and demilitarization ― to address its customers’ unique requirements.



Integrate lifecycle science, engineering and operations solutions to Counter CBRNE Threats to US Forces and the Nation


Premier Resource for CBRNE Solutions, Uniting and Informing the National Defense Community



ECBC's Critical Core Capabilities


Critical Research Capabilities

  • Chemistry and Bioscience of CB Warfare
  • Inhalation Toxicology
  • Aerosol Physics
  • Filtration Sciences
  • CB Agent Spectroscopy/Algorithm Development
  • OPCW Laboratory
  • Emerging Threat Science Technology & Testing

Critical Operations Capabilities

  • CB Agent Handling and Surety
  • Chemical Munitions Field Operations
  • U.S. Single Small-Scale Facility


Critical Engineering Capabilities

  • Lifecycle CB Materiel Acquisition
  • Full- Service CB Testing
  • CB Concept-Through Sustainment Solutions







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