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The Air Guard welcomes qualified applicants from the active duty Air Force, as well as all other US military branches. The Air Guard also accepts transfers from other Reserve/Guard components. Whether you're preparing to leave active duty, participating in the Inactive Ready Reserves (IRR), returning from a break in service, or considering early departure from the Air Force, you can transition into the Air Guard easily. As a member of the Air Guard, you'll experience the camaraderie and pride of serving your country and your community in uniform, and you'll retain all your military retirement points and other military benefits as well.



Active Air Force To Air Guard

The Palace Front and Palace Chase programs allow Active Duty Air Force to transition into the Air Guard.
Active Air Force To Air Guard
Active Air Force To Air Guard
There are two ways for Air Force members to transition into the Air Guard:
  • If your commitment is ending and you don’t plan to re-enlist, the Palace Front program allows you to make a seamless transition into a part-time military position with the Air Guard, with no break in military service.
  • The Palace Chase program allows eligible Air Force members to honorably exit the Air Force early and serve part-time in the Air Guard.
Whichever route you take, you'll most likely be able to keep your rank, and your military time will carry over. You can expect to work 1 weekend per month and accomplish 15 days of annual training per year as well. You will still enjoy BX and Commissary privileges at military installations, receive a monthly paycheck for your service, and be able to take advantage of valuable benefits including Service Members Group Life Insurance, health and dental coverage. One of the best features of joining the Air Guard is the ability to choose where you want to live and the freedom to go to college, be near your family, and put down roots without giving up the camaraderie and sense of patriotism that comes with being in uniform.

Other Military Service
Active Air Force to Air Guard

Other Military Service

The Air Guard welcomes members from a diverse background of other military backgrounds.
Other Military Service
Other Military Service
At any of the more than 140 Air Guard units in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, you will find yourself in the company of prior service Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, Army and Air Force members. Applicants must have a DD 214 or NGB 22 reflecting an honorable discharge and good re-enlistment code (RE code), and meet physical, age, and citizenship requirements. Cross-training may be an option depending on unit needs and your preferences and availability. All your previous military time will count towards your retirement, and, in most cases, you will be able to retain your military rank. Our diversity makes us better and stronger, so regardless of your military background, you’ll fit in, and wonder what took you so long to get here.

Guard to Guard Transfers
Other Military Service

Guard To Guard Transfers

The Air Guard offers unit-to-unit transfer choices.
Guard To Guard Transfers
Guard To Guard Transfers
In the Air Guard, there is often an opportunity to transfer between units based on preference and availability. Unit members should contact a Retention Office Manager for more information.

Will I Be Deployed?
Will I Be Deployed?

Will I Be Deployed?

Deployment is always a possibility, however every effort is made to use volunteers first.
Will I Be Deployed?
Will I Be Deployed?
As you already know, there is always the possibility of being tasked for deployment. When trouble strikes your state, your Governor may call up the Air Guard to do a number of things, including but not limited to performing air rescue or medical response missions, or assisting the local authorities during a natural disaster. Likewise, the President may call up the Air Guard to support our country's homeland defense mission. Every effort is made to use volunteers first, and in some cases you may be tasked to deploy when volunteers are not available to meet the mission’s requirements.

Will I Be Deployed?

Base Post Exchange
Yes. Unlimited
Base Post Facilities
Yes. Unlimited
Base Post Theater
Yes. Unlimited
Burial Flag
Unlimited use of commissary.
Education Benefits

Federal education benefits through the Montgomery G.I. Bill are available to most unit members provided they enlist for 6 years. These benefits are available to our members after completion of basic training and technical school. This program is a non-contributory benefit, meaning no payment or reduction in pay is required to receive these benefits. Federal benefits received: Montgomery GI Bill chapter 1606; up to $333 per month to offset college cost of attending college fulltime. Other Air National Guard Education Benefits for members enlisting for six years in a critical skills job may be available based on current incentive programs.  These benefits include: Montgomery GI Bill kicker up to $350 per month for full-time college enrollment, Student loan repayment program; up to $20,000 paid throughout enlistment. If you have prior military service and elected the active duty MGIB, you may still take advantage of this benefit up to a maximum of 48 months of combined benefits at the full-time rate. Find more information on the Montgomery GI Bill Rates here.

Legal Assistance
Military Burial Assistance
Military Clothing Sales Stores
Yes. Unlimited
Military Death Gratuity
Military Medical Dental
Medical, only if duty-related
Military Recreation Facilities
Military Red Cross Assistance
Official Library Services
Pay And Allowances

Basic pay (4 days for working 1 weekend). Non prior service enlisted members will start off between E-1 -E-3 (Airman Basic - Airman First Class). New officers that have never been in the military before start as an O-1 (2nd Lieutenant). Medical Professionals may come at a higher rank based on experience and education. The military pay scale can be viewed here.

Retirement Points

1 per drill period, 2 per day for a drill weekend. 1 per day for annual training or additional active Duty days performed throughout the year. More information can be found here.

Sgli Medical Dental
Yes. Up to $400,000. Nominal fee
Space Available Travel
Continental U.S., to include, Hi, Ak, PR, VI, GU
Survivor Benefit Plan
Yes, with 20 years service, if elected
Transient Billeting
Tricare Medical Dental

The Member is covered for Duty-related medical Dental conditions through TRICARE Dental Program (TDP), the only dental plan sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD) for National Guard/Reserve sponsors and their families.  With the TDP, you will enjoy a nationwide network of more than 65,000 participating dentists, high-quality customer service and comprehensive dental coverage designed specifically with you in mind! Find more information on the TRICARE Dental Program here.

For Activated or members  serving on Active Duty for 30 days or longer medical coverage is provided/available for member and family until completion of Active Duty orders. Coverage continues for  180 days  after being released from active status if activated in support of a contingency operation.

For Traditional Part Time members, TRICARE Reserve Select is a premium-based health plan available worldwide to Selected Reserve members of the Ready Reserve (and their families) who are not eligible for or enrolled in the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program.  

Key Features include:
• Comprehensive health coverage similar to TRICARE Standard and TRICARE Extra (in the U.S.) or TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Standard (overseas)
• Two types of coverage available: TRS member-only and TRS member-and-family
• Freedom to access covered services from any TRICARE authorized provider or hospital
• Access to military treatment facility (MTF) care on a space-available basis

Find more information on the TRICARE Reserve Select here.

Va Medical Dental
If injury/illness sustained in line of duty
VGLI Veteran Life Insurance
Yes, after retirement
Wearing Of Uniform
As required
Find out more about the Air National Guard’s Hometown Heroes Salute (HHS) campaign that honors our Airmen, their families and others who do not wear the uniform but sacrifice nonetheless.