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Headquarters complex kicks off 2012 Combined Federal Campaign 
By Beth Reece 

Fans were expecting U.S. Olympic runner Derek Redmond to win big in the 1992 Olympic Games when he collapsed with a torn hamstring during the 400-meter sprint semifinal in Barcelona, Spain. Red Cross workers rushed to his side, but Redmond pushed himself up and started limping alone toward the finish line. Within seconds, Redmond’s father was on the track, wrapping an arm around his son’s shoulder as the two continued together.


Some consider that moment an example of the nature of parenthood, but Rick Grandinetti, president and CEO of Succeed Inside the Box, compares it to the generous spirit shown by federal workers and service members who give to the Combined Federal Campaign. Grandinetti’s company is a business coaching, training and consulting firm.


“When you’re part of the CFC, you’ve got someone’s back. You’re all in the position to do that, no matter how tough you think it is. There are people out there who have it a lot worse than we do,” Grandinetti said Oct. 2 during the 2012 CFC Kickoff Ceremony at McNamara Headquarters Complex.


The event marked the launch of the 2012 CFC campaign for DLA Headquarters and DLA Energy, as well as other agencies at the HQC, including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency and Defense Technical Information Center.


DLA Logistics Operations is leading DLA’s campaign. Keyworkers and campaign managers in each directorate will provide forms and instruction on how to contribute through automatic payroll deductions or a one-time pledge until the campaign ends Dec. 15. This year’s theme is “Hope is the Greatest Gift of All.”


Federal employees and service members have contributed more than $7 billion in the campaign’s 51 years, DLA Logistics Operations Deputy Director Redding Hobby said.


“On behalf of the many recipients over these 51 years that have been beneficiaries of your kindness and generosity, I thank you for that. It’s a privilege and an honor to be a part of an institution that can have that as a part of the very fabric of its tapestry that makes up who we are and what we are,” he said.


The annual CFC campaign is the only charity authorized for the federal workplace and gives employees the chance to support more than 4,000 charities, which range from local support groups to international organizations and span such interests as art, culture, education, environment, health, medicine, food, agriculture, civil rights, community improvement and more.


DLA’s contribution will be added to those of the National Capital Area CFC Campaign, the goal for which was reduced by $2 million this year to $62 million. DLA’s goal for 2012 increased, however, to $440,000, up $40,000 from 2011.


DLA employees in the national capital area exceeded the goal of $400,000 in 2011 by 20 percent. Of about 1,000 employees who contributed, 57 contributed more than 1 percent of their salary, and 20 contributed more than 2 percent.


“DLA employees have a proud history of helping others. To those who will be contributing for the first time, and for those who continue to give, I applaud your kindness and generosity,” DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek said in a message to the workforce.


Grandinetti congratulated members of DLA Finance and DLA Strategic Plans and Policy for contributing high amounts to the 2011 campaign.


“You really took CFC to another level,” he said.


DLA Strategic Plans and Policy employees showcased their support for CFC by wearing handmade tie-dye shirts with the campaign logo to the kickoff. Amy Stayer, of the directorate’s Risk and Controls Management Branch, said the event was inspiring.


“The guest speaker was hilarious. I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard the entire time I’ve been at DLA. It will definitely spark more giving,” she said.


Photo: Speaker at podium
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Rick Grandinetti, president and CEO of Succeed Inside the Box, speaks during the 2012 CFC Kickoff Ceremony at the McNamara Headquarters Complex Oct. 2. Photo by Teodora Mocanu
Photo: Team members in matching shirts
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Members of DLA Strategic Plans and Policy pose for a photo wearing handmade tie-dye shirts sporting the CFC logo. The directorate was one of the top contributors in DLA’s 2011 CFC campaign. Photo by Teodora Mocanu
Photo: Event guests watching video
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Audience members watch a video of U.S. Olympic runner Derek Redmond limping toward the finish line of the 1992 Olympic Games’ 400-meter sprint semifinal with his father’s help after he collapsed with a torn hamstring. Photo by Teodora Mocanu