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Training Center

Photo of National Weather Service Training Center

As an integral component of mission support, the NOAA/NWS Training Center in Kansas City Missouri provides training to NOAA/NWS employees in the areas of management, meteorology, hydrology, equipment maintenance, systems support, and related activities. And the NWSTC Leadership Academy offers leadership training to all federal agencies. Training Center staff develop and deliver courses in a number of formats including residence classes and workshops, web-based and computer-based self-study tutorials, teletraining (interactive web delivery), and work aides. In addition NWSTC staff provide consulting services, research and development, technical and operational documentation assistance, and system deployment support.

(Click here to learn more about the National Weather Service in our Introductory Welcome to NWS online course.)

Training Portal:

NWS Training from all sources NWSTC, WDTB, FDTB, Comet, Visit, ...), and of all types, can be found at the one-stop NWS Training Portal at Users looking for NWS training courses, schedules, resources, and related information should make the Training Portal their first and only stop.

    US Dept of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    National Weather Service Training Center
    7220 N.W. 101st Terr.
    Kansas City, M0 64153
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     Page last Modified: 11 July, 2012 10:24 AM