
August 5-10, 2012 – Several ORNL staff will participate in the 2012 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon.

  • A Special Session, "A Debate on the Sustainability of Biomass Production for Energy", will focus on the proposition “Producing bioenergy can be sustainable for habitat availability and biodiversity, and can eschew the risk of new invaders.” This formal debate will allow opening statements by each of six experts, followed by rebuttals, with audience questions entertained during the final 30 minutes.  The audience will be polled before and after to determine the winners.  H. Jager is an organizer and R. Efroymson will represent the “for” position.
  • Virginia Dale will speak in the Symposium "Bioenergy and Biodiversity: Oxymoron or Opportunity?" on “Environmental and socioeconomic indicators of bioenergy sustainability.”
  • Keith Kline will speak on “Models, causal analysis and scientific methods for understanding land-use change (LUC) dynamics.”

Fundamental for Life: Soil, Crop and Environmental Sciences
October 16 - 19, 2011 San Antonio Texas
2011 American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA) International Annual Meetings in conjunction with the Canadian Society of Soil Science.

Previous Symposia

Biomass Energy Systems: Research Needs to Address Policy Issues October 31 - November 3, 2010 Mark Downing (ORNL) and Michael Casler (Agricultural Research Service [ARS] Research Geneticist, Madison, Wisconsin) organized a symposium, Biomass Energy Systems: Research Needs to Address Policy Issues, at the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America (ASA-ASSA-CSSA) Joint Convention in Long Beach, CA.

Presentations Included: - Are Our Research Needs Driving Policy? or Is Policy Driving Our Research? given by Mark Downing. - Bioenergy Research and Strategic Planning: The Need for Both Proactive and Reactive Research given by Robert Mitchell, USDA-ARS; Kenneth Vogel, USDA-ARS. - The Tyranny of Big Ideas in Environmental Policy given by Alan Lucier, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). - TNC Perspective given by Jimmie Powell, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

2010 U.S. International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE) Twenty-fifth Anniversary Symposium April 6-10, 2010
One symposium, Reshaping Landscapes: Bioenergy and Biodiversity, included a presentation by Laurence Eaton, Peter Schweizer, Rebecca Efroymson, Henriette Jager entitled, Assessing watershed benefits of bioenergy crops: Recreational and subsistence value of fishes,” and another presentation by Peter Schweizer, Henriette Jager, and Latha Baskaran entitled, “Forecasting changes in water quality and aquatic biodiversity in response to future bioenergy landscapes in the Arkansas-White-Red River basin.”

US chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology
- Reshaping Landscapes: Bioenergy and Biodiversity
- Reshaping Landscapes: Bioenergy and Land-use Change
- Photos

A second symposium, Reshaping Landscapes: Bioenergy and Land-use Change, included a presentation by Gbadebo Oladosu, and Keith Kline entitled, “Modeling direct and indirect effects of US bioenergy policy on global land use,” and another presentation by Keith Kline, Virginia Dale, and Gbadebo Oladosu entitled, “Models, science, and the precautionary principle: Land-use change and the sustainability of biomass systems.”


P. Schweizer, H. Jager, L. Eaton, R. Efroymson. "Watershed valuation - understanding spatial variation in value derived from fish diversity". Presented at the 2012 Annual Symposium of the US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Newport, RI.

Stephen Kaffka and Keith Kline - May 24th, 2011: Vantage Point: Views on Food, Fuel and Land Use

November 29-December 6, 2010: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) organized a study tour for approximately 30 representatives of the China National Energy Administration and Chinese bioenergy companies. Tour stops included bioenergy related sites in Nebraska, Iowa, and Tennessee and meetings with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, D.C. Yun Wu of ORNL served as an official host and translator throughout the duration of the tour; Erin Webb co-led organization of the study tour; Becky Bowman assisted with coordination of the tour and organized Tennessee events; Robin Graham, Brian Davison, Keith Kline, and Laurence Eaton gave technical presentations highlighting ORNL bioenergy research. Other Tennessee activities for the China delegation included a tour of the DuPont Danisco biorefinery and Genera Energy switchgrass production sites in Vonore.
- ORNL Presentations

Keith Kline - May 24 2011: Bioenergy, Land-Use Change and Food Security

Kaleb Little - May 24 2011: Experts: Bioenergy leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly energy future

Stephen Kaffka - May 24 2011: National Biodiesel Board: Food and Fuel

Lawrence Eaton, et al - December 2010: The economic effects of biofuel feedstock production on gamefish distribution

‘Debo Oladosu, et al – November 2010: Empirical Analysis of the Sources of Corn Used for Ethanol Production in the United States: 2001-2009

Jonathan Overly from the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition (DOE Clean Cities) gave an overview of the RFS2 standard and the implications on the use of biofuels in the US on May 14, 2010, at the National Transportation Research Center
- RFS2 – A Bridge to a More Sustainable America



August 30th: Integrated Biomass Supply Systems (IBSS) will host a monthly webinar series. The first webinar will feature Dr. Bill Hubbard who will be providing an update on the extension and outreach developments in the Southeast. Webinar instructions.

October 24 & 25, Vonore, Tennessee - Biomass: From Grow to Go.

Nov 5-8: 2012 Woody Crops Conference to be held in the Oak Ridge-Knoxville area of Tennessee.

Council on Sustainable Biomass Production - Press Release, Final CSBP Standard, CSBP 2012 Membership List

CBES Forums

Oct 18: Robert Fletcher - University of Florida : "Bioenergy expansion: a wildlife perspective"

Dec 20th: Rebecca Efroymson (ORNL) - "Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels"



Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (KDF), sponsored by DOE and developed by a team at ORNL led by CBES member Budhendra Bhaduri, now has its own interactive website.

IBSS - Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems website

Extension - Objective, research-based and credible information you can use every day to improve your life