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Life Stories: The Joy of Receiving Life and Hope

Sabrina Smith Sabrina Smith

Kidney and Pancreas Recipient: Atoka, TN

When Sabrina Smith was diagnosed at the age of eight with juvenile diabetes, her pancreas was no longer working. Over the years, her kidneys began failing as well. Sabrina began dialysis and was put on the list for a kidney transplant.

Four months later, Sabrina learned that she would receive both a kidney and a pancreas.

It was a bittersweet blessing; she knew the gift of life had meant someone else’s sacrifice.

“That’s why I now share my story,” she says. “I can’t tell you how wonderful my life has become. An organ donor truly saves lives and gives hope.”

Sabrina’s story is courtesy of Mid-South Transplant Foundation, Cordova, TN.

“I can’t tell you how wonderful my life has become. An organ donor truly saves lives and gives hope.”

— Sabrina Smith


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