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Project Summaries: Media-Based Interventions to Increase Minority Solid Organ Donation

Fiscal Year 2004

Grantee:Carolinas Medical Center
Project Title:A Multimedia and Grassroots Campaign to Promote African American Organ Donation

This project used a high-saturation media-plus-grassroots campaign consisting of television, radio, and print PSAs that were alternated with community-based grassroots events, such as Donor Sabbath celebrations in Black churches and other outreach events. In addition, African American-targeted brochures were placed in the offices of African American health practitioners and in all area DMVs.

Grantee:Donor Network of Arizona
Project Title:Hispanic Organ Donation: Replicating and Extending Media/Grassroots Outreach

This project assessed the impact of an untested series of ads while replicating another series of ads in two communities using a two-phase intervention: phase 1 employed prior DoT-funded television and radio ads and Donate Life America Hispanic Campaign television and radio ads along with grassroots community activities; phase 2 employed the best series or combination of ads from phase 1 along with grassroots activities.

Project Title:Donate Life: An African-American Focus on Northeast Ohio

This project placed targeted television and radio ads on minority-focused stations and distributed minority-focused donation materials (related to the radio and television ads) at local faith-based organizations and community events. To expand the program's reach, the project included collaboration with African American physicians and medical community.

Grantee:Mid-South Transplant Foundation
Project Title:Taking It to the Streets: A Grassroots Media-Based Campaign to Increase Organ Donation among African Americans

The Mid-South Transplant Foundation aimed to increase African Americans' willingness to donate by airing television and radio ads on stations with African American audiences. Mid-South also partnered with community organizations at settings/events of interest to African Americans. These included promotional activities at two gospel concerts and two donor card sign-up events, one for college students and the second at the National Civil Rights Museum. All events were promoted using television and radio ads and included live remotes with media personalities broadcasting from the event sites.

Grantee:New Jersey Organ and Tissue Sharing Network
Project Title:NJ Media Model For Minority Donation: The Taxi Campaign

The goal of this project was to dispel prevalent donation/transplantation myths prominent in the African American community. Thirty- and 60-second TV/radio spots addressed various myths and were linked to specific community events such as the African American Heritage Awards, The Sharing Network's annual "Hip Hop 4 Life," and National Donor Sabbath, an annual organized outreach effort to New Jersey's African American churches.

Grantee:Upper Midwest Organ Procurement Organization
Project Title:Increasing Solid Organ Donation in the African-American Population in the Twin Cities Metro Area

This project used television, radio, print, and outdoor media messages and grassroots education in churches, schools, and public events to increase willingness to donate among African Americans. Effectiveness of the interventions in increasing the rate of donor designation of African Americans residing in a seven-county metropolitan area of Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN, was assessed.

Grantee:Upstate New York Transplant Services
Project Title:Community Commitment for Life: Taking Action to Save Lives Through Increased Organ Donation among African Americans

This project targeted the African American community with field-tested television and radio ads and print materials to encourage organ donation. Also a part of the campaign were media activities featuring local African American community leaders, celebrities, and religious figures promoting family donation discussions and a community education program that teaches effective family discussion about donation.


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