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"Linking Science and Decision Making" Theme Of Next Week's Science Conference

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Date: October 4, 2012

National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior

Yellowstone National Park
P.O. Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
October 4, 2012             12-083    

Al Nash or Dan Hottle
(307) 344-2015


"Linking Science and Decision Making" Theme Of Next Week's Science Conference

A wide ranging group of scientists, managers, and other decision makers will gather next week to present current scientific findings and examine resource challenges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Tuesday evening, October 9, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis will deliver the Keynote address of the 11th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Other noted speakers include Ian Dyson of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Development, and local author and former Yellowstone park historian Paul Schullery. The A. Starker Leopold Lecture award will be given to Estella B. Leopold of the University of Washington, with Dorothy Bradley accepting the award on her behalf.

Conference organizers chose to focus this year's event on presentations and discussions that they believe will help define current resource challenges, report on the latest scientific findings, and support establishing management priorities. Unique to this year's conference are a series of panels discussions during which resource managers will interact directly with scientists. These discussions are designed to help ensure that resource managers and scientists are communicating effectively.

The conference, held at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel in Yellowstone National Park, runs from Monday evening, October 8, through Wednesday, October 10. A detailed copy of the conference agenda and program is available online at http://gyesciconf.greateryellowstonescience.org/.

The conference will be followed Thursday with a separate project designed to capture oral histories of those involved in the reintroduction of wolves to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. There will be limited room in this session for observers on a first-come, first served basis.

The Biennial Conference series was initiated in 1991. It is designed to encourage awareness and application of wide-ranging, high-caliber scientific work on the region's natural and cultural resources.

- www.nps.gov/yell -

Producers/Editors Note: News media planning to attend the Biennial Science Conference may obtain free day passes at the registration desk at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel to attend conference sessions. Media are encouraged to pre-register for a free day pass by emailing yell_conference@nps.gov. These passes do not cover the cost of meals. No pre-registration is necessary for those covering the Thursday oral history session.

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Summer Crowd at Old Faithful.

At peak summer levels, 3,500 employees work for Yellowstone National Park concessioners and about 800 work for the National Park Service.