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Lobbyist Communication

The President of the United States recently issued guidance through a March 20, 2009, White House memorandum that dictates specific actions to help achieve the goals and objectives of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. In order to capture the President’s intent on transparency, USACE will document communication with registered lobbyists on Recovery Act policy and particular projects and allow the public to review these communications. A registered lobbyist is one registered under the Lobbyist Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).

In general, USACE officials will not discuss any specific projects or funding levels with lobbyists over the phone or in any oral communication; communication with lobbyists regarding projects and funding will only be through written correspondence. Any oral communication or meetings during which conversations cover general program or policy level type of issues, USACE officials will document these conversations. USACE officials will also make available to the public all written requests for communications from lobbyists, responses from USACE back to lobbyists and documentation of meetings within three business days from the date of transaction.

This page contains all USACE interactions with registered lobbyists regarding the Recovery Act as of March 2009. They are arranged by USACE division and are entitled by the division/district, date, and client information.
