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Community Preparedness Webinar Series

Resolve to Be Ready

Date Recorded: Monday, December 14, 2010

Presenter: Rebecca (Becky) Marquis

The New Year is fast approaching and for the sixth year the Ready Campaign is encouraging Americans to Resolve to be Ready by making a New Year's resolution to get prepared for emergencies. While nearly 50 percent of Americans make New Year's Eve resolutions, very few manage to keep them. We would like to make an emergency preparedness resolution easy to keep by providing the tools and resources needed to take the three important steps: get a kit, make a plan and be informed about the different types of emergencies that can happen in your area and their appropriate responses. We hope you will join us in this effort. To help assist you in your outreach, we have created a webinar and toolkit with helpful resources to promote Resolve to be Ready 2010 to your stakeholders.


  • Resolve to Be Ready Toolkit (PDF)
  • Resolve to Be Ready Banners & Posters (ZIP)
  • Resolve to Be Ready Webinar Presentation (PDF)
  • Resolve to Be Ready Webinar Presentation- Accessible Version (DOC)
  • Presenter's biography

    Rebecca (Becky) Marquis is the Acting Director of the Ready Campaign, the FEMA's national public service advertising campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. In this position, Ms. Marquis leads the operations and outreach strategy of the campaign which includes Ready America, Ready Business, Ready Kids, Listo, the Spanish version of the campaign and the National Preparedness Month initiative. In addition, she serves as the Ready campaign spokesperson. Ms. Marquis joined DHS in January of 2008. During her tenure she has helped to raise awareness of Ready and its messages through the Campaign’s Website, partnership development, speaking engagements, media interviews and National Preparedness Month (NPM). Prior to joining DHS, Ms. Marquis worked for several public relations firms. She has worked on a variety of non-profit and government campaigns educating the public about issues ranging from Medicare to mental health to homelessness to family farming. Ms. Marquis earned her Bachelor’s degree in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

    Additional details on this webinar

    A webinar is a web-based informational or training seminar (a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar) that is transmitted over the internet. This webinar will last approximately one hour. After the presentation is complete, you will have an opportunity to ask questions via the chat feature in the webinar system. This webinar is free to the public and will accommodate the first 500 visitors that enter the site. In addition to airing live, the webinar will be recorded and viewable at your convenience after it completes.

    Information on how to view our webinars

    The Community Preparedness Webinar Series is conducted in DHS's HSIN Connect system. You do not need to register in advance, nor do you need a HSIN account in order to view our webinars. Audio for this webinar will be broadcast within HSIN Connect; there will not be a concurrent, phone-based teleconference. Questions and answers will be moderated via text-based chat inside the webinar. In order to ensure that your computer is capable of viewing our webinars and webcasts, we highly recommend that you read the below documents and perform the compatibility test prior to the start of the event. In addition, please ensure your computer's speakers are working prior to the webinar. If for any reason you have trouble accessing the system, please send an email to

    Using HSIN Connect (18-page PDF)  |  Perform Compatibility Test  Presenting in HSIN Connect (PDF)

    This webcast will offer closed captioning.

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