Security Sector Governance Center

Police patrol Port-au-Prince Saturday, January 16, 2010.  (Photo Courtesy: Damon Winter/NY Times).

Center Highlights


Director, Security Sector Governance Center

USIP's Security Sector Governance Center focuses on a critical element of sustainable peace: developing security forces and supervising institutions that are effective, legitimate, apolitical, and accountable to the citizens they are sworn to protect.

All too often, security sector reform in practice is reduced to "train and equip" programs that ignore supervisory institutions. USIP focuses on security sector governance - the building of sustainable, locally owned institutions capable of supporting professional police and military forces.


USIP's Security Sector Governance Center convenes regular public forums on issues related to security forces and their supervisory institutions.  These panel discussions and roundtables bring together U.S. officials, practitioners, academics, non-profit leaders, and members of the private sector to share lessons learned.

Publications & Tools

USIP publications provide the latest analysis of international development and policy recommendations on world affairs issues, particularly the prevention and resolution of conflict.  USIP's recent publications on security sector governance include:

Security Sector Reform Advisory Teams

USIP is working with U.S. government agencies to identify, train and equip multidisciplinary teams to support embassy country teams and combatant commands.  The teams have the rapid respond capability to make country assessments, develop strategic plans and consult on implementation.

Senior Seminar on Security Sector Reform

Security sector reform is a relatively new concept that is not widly understood within the U.S. government.  USIP has developed a seminar for senior officials that introduces the key precepts, existing policies, interagency coordination mechanisms, and guiding principles for implementing security sector reform programs in fragile and transitional countries.

Justice and Security Dialogues

USIP's Rule of Law Center has pioneered a process for establishing Justice and Security Dialogues between security forces, government officials and civil society to build trust and achieve common understanding on issues related to security sector reform, rule of law and improved governance in conflict zones.