

The Architect of the Capitol is committed to the safety of visitors and employees on Capitol Hill.

The highest priority for the Architect of the Capitol is the safety of its employees, Capitol Hill building occupants and visitors.

The AOC has worked diligently to address any safety hazards identified by the Office of Compliance, including reducing the number of safety hazards by 60 percent over a five-year period.  

The AOC’s worker safety record has shown significant improvement over the past decade, achieving some of the lowest rates of injury and illness in the industry and the AOC continues to make progress in this vitally important area.

The Architect of the Capitol’s safety program is strongly supported by every AOC employee playing their part and an important facilitator in this effort are the AOC Jurisdiction Occupational Safety and Health (JOSH) committees comprised of employees of various levels from within each jurisdiction.

The JOSH committees promote safety awareness and incident prevention with their jurisdiction and maintain open channels of communication between management and employees to discuss matters relating to safety, fire and environmental programs.

They also identity issues and develop strategies to address them including reviewing employee suggestions for improvements. In addition, most AOC jurisdictions also have their own fully dedicated jurisdictional safety specialists that work daily to ensure the safe work environment for employees and customers.