MCCS Single Marine Program

2011 SMP Conference - Executive Council Members
2011 SMP Conference - Executive Council Members

SMP Logo

Make A Difference Get Involved!"

In keeping with Marine Corps tradition, the responsibility and leadership opportunities offered to Marines are extended to those who makeup the largest percentage of the Marine Corps. The Single Marine Program (SMP) was established to provide a forum for Marines to identify quality of life ideas and issues and recommend solutions, after all change starts from the bottom up. Through participation in the planning and coordination of programs and activities Marines have a direct influence in their execution.

Each major Marine Corps installation has an established SMP Council that meets regularly. The Council is composed of unit representatives from throughout the command. Each Council elects leaders to serve on the executive council including: President, Vice President, Scribe, and Treasurer. These positions provide leadership, motivation, and accountability to the other council members. They represent the installation at meetings and other working groups on items relevant to single Marines. The executive council also works closely with the SMP Coordinator and the installation sergeant major.

"Activities and events are as varied as the single Marines the program serves, because it belongs to the Marines. Activities typically fall under one of 3 program components: Quality of Life, Recreation, and Community Involvement. Single Marines contribute tens of thousands of community service hours each year. They participate in Habitat for Humanity, Toys for Tots, Adopt a School, beach cleanups, or Veterans Homes visits and many others. Many other local organizations and causes benefit from the time and service contributed by Marines who want to make a difference in their community."

Other past activities throughout the Marine Corps include paintball excursions, deep sea fishing trips, "PMEs" to Washington, DC, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and New York City. Single Marines impact programming on base too. They have sponsored barracks bash events, voter registration drives, personal financial management seminars, and healthy lifestyles briefs.

Motivated single Marines, a supportive command, and Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) staff provide the foundation for a successful program - what's missing is you! Make a difference, get involved.