Statistical Reports: Civilian Fire Casualties - Children

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Topical Fire Report Series

The National Fire Data Center's Topical Fire Report Series explores facets of the U.S. fire problem that affect Americans in their daily lives. Primarily based on data collected through USFA's National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS), each issue briefly addresses the nature and relevance of the specific fire or fire-related problem, highlights important findings, and suggests other resources to consider for further information. Each topical report also includes recent examples of fire incidents that demonstrate some of the issues addressed in the report.

See Also: Civilian Casualties | Civilian Casualties - Older Adults | Civilian Casualties - People with Disabilities

New: Fire Risk to Children in 2007

Findings from this report:

  • The relative risk of children under age 15 dying in a fire is lower than the general population. However, when dividing the young into subgroups, 52 percent of all child fire deaths occur to those 4 and younger.
  • When dividing the young into subgroups, fire injuries are highest in the 4 and under age group, decline in the middle years, but rise again in the 10 to 14 age group. This is a different pattern than deaths, which decrease as children age.
  • Boys are at higher risk of death from fire than girls.
  • African-American children are at an increased risk of death from fire.

Download Fire Risk to Children in 2007 » (PDF, 371)