
Wiesbaden soph on target in German shooting

Wiesbaden sophomore Daniel Boehme, 15, won a bronze medal in the German national clay-pigeon championships conducted Sept. 8-9 in Kreilingen, Germany, according to his parents Mike and Sharon Boehme. Shooting in the minors’ category for competitors younger than 21, Boehme knocked down 149 of 200 clay pigeons, a total exceeded only by the 152 and 162 shattered by the 19- and 20-year-olds who finished ahead of him, Boehm’s parents reported.

In a show of versatility Thursday, Boehme finished sixth in a three-way golf tournament conducted on his home course at Rheinblick with a Stableford score of 20 points. 

About the Author

Rusty is a sports writer in Europe.