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For Immediate Release

February 17, 2012 Marty R. West, Supervisory Inspector
Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force (850) 942-8395;
USMS Headquarters Public Affairs (202) 307-9065
U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Arrests Orlando Murder Suspect at Tallahassee Apartment Complex

Tallahassee, FL – The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force (FRFTF) today announced the arrest of 21 year old Nima Nash Moradi of Orlando, Florida at an apartment complex located at 2421 Jackson Bluff Rd in Tallahassee, FL. Moradi was currently being sought by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Orlando, FL on charges of 2nd Degree Homicide. According to Orange County Detectives, Moradi was involved in a physical altercation at his home on 02/09/2012 in Orlando, FL with 25 year old Richard Luyo. According to information provided by investigators Moradi stabbed Luyo multiple times in front of Luyo’s 6 year old child. Luyo then fled the scene with his child and crashed his car into a lamppost a short distance from the scene. On 02/13/2012 Orange County Detectives upgraded the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge to 2nd Degree Homicide after Luyo died from wounds received during the assault. FRFTF Task Force members received information late last night indicating that Moradi had fled the Orlando, FL area and travelled to Tallahassee, FL to hide out with friends. Early this morning FRFTF Task Force members working with Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Special Agents located Moradi asleep on a couch in an apartment located at 2421 Jackson Bluff Rd. Moradi was roused from his sleep by a heavily armed eight man entry team and was arrested without incident. Moradi was booked into the Leon County Jail by task force officers where he will remain awaiting extradition back to Orlando, FL to face his murder charge.

The Tallahassee Division of the FRFTF is comprised of state and local law enforcement officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office, Leon County Sheriff’s Office, Leon County State Attorney’s Office, Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Perry Police Department, Tallahassee Police Department, Taylor County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office. US Marshal Ed Spooner stated that the arrest of Nima Moradi showcased the ability of federal, state and local law enforcement officers who currently work under the authority of the US Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force to quickly locate and safely apprehend violent fugitives who are on the run and hiding out in the North Florida area.

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