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For Immediate Release

September 22, 2011 DUSM Amanda Lyons, District of South Carolina
(803) 765-5479
The Search is Over, 3 Wanted Murder Suspects & Bank Robber Caught

Greenville, SC - Operation Intercept (OPIN) the U.S. Marshals fugitive apprehension task force made up of Deputy U.S. Marshals and officers with the Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson County Sheriff’s Offices, Greenville City Police, SLED, alongside Deputy US Marshals from the Appalachian Fugitive Investigative Strike Team (AFIST) in Asheville, NC and Asheville Police, announce the location and apprehension of Tavish Yeargin, Kayla Williams, and Nyia Utsey at a hotel off of Old Haywood Rd in Asheville, NC late Wednesday evening.

Yeargin, Williams, and Utsey were wanted for the alleged Murder of Sean Timothy Dinneen on September 17 in the parking lot of Crosswell Baptist Church, located on South Fishtrap Road between Easley and Greenville, SC. Pickens County Sheriff’s Office began to work diligently with the OPIN Task Force immediately after determining that all three subjects were involved in the shooting.

It was believed that Yeargin, Williams, and Utsey fled the Greenville area sometime on Tuesday September 20. On Wednesday September 21, it was reported and confirmed, Yeargin had robbed a bank in Spartanburg. OPIN Task Force developed information leading them to believe the three fugitives headed north to Asheville, NC after the alleged bank robbery. On Wednesday evening OPIN traveled to Asheville and joined forces with AFIST and the Asheville Police Department. After arriving in Asheville, Marshals were provided a tip leading them to a hotel at Old Haywood Rd. Once at the hotel Marshals located the fugitive’s vehicle and were able to determine Yeargin and an unknown female had checked into a room and Utsey and Williams in a separate room. OPIN and AFIST apprehended Yeargin, Williams, and Utsey in their separate rooms without incident. All three fugitives were transported to the Buncombe County Detention Center where they are awaiting bond and extradition hearings for their return to South Carolina.

“Fleeing may have seemed reasonable to these fugitives. However, law enforcement partnerships have proven fruitful again in the location and apprehension of Yeargin, Williams, and Utsey. These three significant and rapid arrests have brought justice to the Dinneen family. Let this be an invitation to other law enforcement agencies to contact OPIN when assistance is needed.” stated Kelvin Washington, US Marshal for the District of South Carolina.

Established in 1789, the United States Marshals Service is the nation’s oldest federal law enforcement agency. In fiscal 2010, the Marshals arrested more than 36,100 federal fugitives, clearing 39,400 felony warrants and arrested 11,072 sex offenders. Marshal’s Service-led task forces like South Carolina’s Operation Intercept arrested 81,900 state and local fugitives, clearing 108,200 felony warrants. Locally, Operation Intercept arrested over 2,500 South Carolina fugitives during that same period.

Additional information about the U.S. Marshals Service can be found at



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