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For Immediate Release

June 16, 2011 DUSM Ben Segotta, District of New Mexico (505) 462-2330
Man Arrested for Threatening Federal Judge

Albuquerque, NM - Brian Stacy, a resident of Los Alamos, NM was arrested Wednesday June 15, on charges that he allegedly threatened U.S. District Judge John E. Conway. Stacy allegedly sent a series of threatening e-mails to Judge Conway and was arrested in a joint operation involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Marshals Service and the United States Attorney’s Office.

Stacy has prior arrests for possession of an unregistered firearm and numerous probation violations one of which was for threatening a Federal Probation Officer. Marshals Service investigators and Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agents investigated the alleged threats and Stacy was arrested and brought before Federal Magistrate Judge Torgerson in Albuquerque on Thursday for his Arraignment.

The primary role and mission of the United States Marshals Service is to provide for the security of, and to obey, execute, and enforce all orders of, the United States courts. (28 U.S.C. , 566(a)). In particular, the USMS is authorized to provide personal protection to federal judges, court officer, witnesses, and other threatened persons in the interests of justice where criminal intimidation impedes on the functioning of the judicial process or any other official proceeding. (28 U.S.C. , 566(e)(1)(A)). US Marshal Conrad Candelaria said, “First, I want to thank our federal partners FBI and US Attorney’s Office. The United States Marshals Service considers any threat to our judiciary no matter how minor or large as a serious matter. We will investigate and request that they be prosecuted under the full extent of the law.”

Additional information about the U.S. Marshals can be found at


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