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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey Instructional Memorandum

No: APS 2010-03

Issuance Date: June 23, 2010

Subject:  Special Guidance Related to Pollution Removal Funding Authorization (PRFA) and Natural Resource Damage and Restoration Fund (NRDAR)

Reference:  APS 2010-02 Subject:  Special Policy Guidance Related to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 2010; FOP Chapter 10.5:  Emergency Spending Related to Extreme Natural Hazard Events

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cost centers and employees have been involved in emergency assistance and response activities related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 

It is very important that we continue to separately capture and track all costs incurred for this event in order to ensure reimbursement.  We will need to report our expenditures to a variety of entities with oversight responsibilities, including the Department of the Interior, Office of Management and Budget, the government-wide Inspectors General Council, the General Accountability Office, and the Congress.  

USGS has received two funding sources that are directly related to the oil spill.

USGS has received PRFA agreement funding and will act as the lead on funds and objectives provided in the authorization.  PRFA is an agreement agencies have with the United States Coast Guard to receive money from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.  The money in this trust fund comes from Oil companies who are required to contribute based on an assessment of their production. 

USGS is also receiving a Natural Resource Damage and Restoration Fund (NRDAR) allocation transfer.   The NRDAR fund manages both appropriated dollars and settlement funds from responsible parties.  Funds received will come to USGS as an allocation transfer and be allocated to cost centers similar to the annual appropriations process.  The NRDAR representative for USGS is Susan Finger (  She will be coordinating all NRDAR funds coming into USGS and working with the Budget and Performance Office (BPO) and Administrative Policy and Services (APS) to ensure allocations are accurate and timely.

The following guidance must be used by all Cost Centers that will be receiving NRDA for work associated with oil spill

This purpose of this instructional memorandum is to provide additional project and account guidance for capturing costs in a structure unique to PRFA and NRDAR funds.   

Part 1.  The following guidance must be used by all Cost Centers that will be receiving PRFA funds for work associated with Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 2010. 

USGS will be sub-allocating incoming reimbursable PRFA funds to cost centers that have been identified to work on the objectives required in the PRFA agreement.  USGS will also be entering into interagency agreements with other federal agencies and administering funds to those agencies who will be executing performance objectives outlined in the PRFA agreement.  Before sub-allocating funds to cost centers, the master agreement owner will complete the sub-allocation form. 

 Reimbursable Funding from PRFA:

Account Structure Guidance

 It is expected that these incoming PRFA reimbursable agreements will be charged full burden (bureau, cost center, and facilities) unless some specific language is attached to the funds that are ultimately received.

The account numbering schemes for work performed under these projects follows:

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7P8R – Task 8 – Mass Balance

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7P9R – Task 9 – Reservoir Modeling

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7PAR – Task 10 – Nodal Analysis

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7PBR – Task 11 – Plume Analysis

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7PCR – Task 12 – Peer Review

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7PDR - Task 13 – Flow Rate Technical Group

All accounts should be established in Quicktime and used for tracking all hours and salary cost.

Part 2.  The following guidance must be used by all Cost Centers that will be receiving NRDA funds for work associated with oil spill

 NRDAR Allocation Transfer:

Account Structure Guidance

The account numbering schemes for work performed under these projects follows:

Parent Account Number XXXX-E7PD0 – Task 14 – NRDAR

All accounts should be established in Quicktime and used for tracking all hours and salary cost.

If you have any questions regarding this guidance, please contact your servicing Branch of Fiscal Services; additionally, Sonya Jones ( Multi-Hazards Project Coordinator, is the designated scientist with overall responsibility for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 2010, Marge Davenport ( Deputy Regional Director, Southeast Area has been designated the Operational Coordinator and Susan Finger ( is designated scientist with overall responsibility for USGS and Departmental NRDAR interactions.



____//s//Karen D. Baker__________________________            June 23, 2010____________________

Karen D. Baker                                                                       Date:
Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services


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