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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey Instructional Memorandum

Number:  AEI 2011-07

Issuance Date:  December 7, 2011

Expiration Date:  Retain Until Superseded

Subject:  Reduced Meals and Incidental Expenses

Instruction:  Clarification on reduced meals and incidental expenses for travel.

1.  Purpose.  This Instructional Memorandum (IM) provides detailed guidance on reduced Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) during temporary duty (TDY) travel.

2.  Scope.  This IM applies to all travel vouchers where the M&IE due to the traveler is reduced.

3.  Approval authority is the first line supervisor/travel approver.

4.  Policy.  With many programs under financial constraints, it is a common practice for employees to accept reduced incidentals during travel status so that travel and other program activities can continue.  This IM provides clarification on the definitions and procedures regarding the reduction of M&IE expenses on TDY vouchers. 

In accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations, M&IE is an entitlement.  M&IE amounts are established by the General Services Administration (GSA) for various areas within the United States.  The traveler does have the right to claim less M&IE than the prescribed rate for their TDY location; not to be confused with actual M&IE which refers to rates over and above the prescribed GSA M&IE rates.   

When a traveler chooses to travel under a reduced M&IE, they must include, as part of the authorization and voucher, a written justification for why they are claiming a reduced rate and signed by the traveler and the supervisor/approving official.  This written justification with signatures must be included with the voucher along with the receipts. 

The following are detailed procedures regarding actual expenses, receipt requirements, and camp rates.

A.  Actual Expense Method.  When necessary expenses are unusually high due to special circumstances (e.g., international or national events, world’s fairs, conventions, and national disasters) or when a traveler is required to attend a meeting, conference, or training session away from their official duty station where lodging and meals must be procured at a prearranged place, and their lodging costs absorb all or practically all of the allowable per diem allowance, the traveler may submit a written request for reimbursement, up to 300 percent of the allowable per diem rate for the locality, on an actual expense basis.  All written requests must be submitted and approved in accordance with SM 205.2, Travel Delegation Authority, prior to the commencement of travel, and attached to the travel voucher.  A memo/email stating that the actual expenses are approved must be attached to the voucher.  Travel vouchers claiming full actual expenses must be completely itemized.  Receipts are required for all lodging expenses, regardless of amounts, and meals that exceed $75.00.

B.  Reductions in Per Diem.  In no instance should the amount received be reduced to the point where it would be less than the daily incidental expense allowance for the locality of the travel. 

C.  Camp Rates.  A reduced per diem allowance in lieu of the maximum per diem allowance will be authorized when travel is performed in an established campsite or when meals are provided. There is no set camp rate for the USGS.  According to Interior’s Travel Management Policy, DM 301-11.233,, camp “rates are set based on the conditions and facilities available at each campsite.”  Based on Interior’s directive, the USGS policy for camp rates is as follows:

(1)  The camp rate where the Government provides meals and lodging is whatever the incidental rate is for the locality of the travel.

(2)  A camp rate can be given for groceries not to exceed the locality rate.

(3)  The first and last day of travel should not be reduced per diem rates (3/4) since the camp rate constitutes reduced per diem.

(4) The daily incidental expense must always be paid. 

D.  Receipt Requirement.  Receipts for common carrier, rental car, and lodging must be attached to the travel voucher.  Receipts are required for any miscellaneous expense that exceeds $75.00.  Currency exchange rates must be notated on all foreign receipts with foreign currencies.
If you have any questions regarding this memorandum, please contact Kerry Riley, Chief, Travel Management Section, at

/s/ Karen D. Baker                                                                              December 7, 2011

_______________________________________                              ___________________
Karen D. Baker                                                                                                 Date
Associate Director for Administration and Enterprise Information

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