Directorate of Logistics

Household goods and quality control

Processing of Inbound and Outbound Personal Property and Privately Owned Vehicles, Extension and Release of Goods in Non-Temporary Storage, Claims Assistance, Quality Control Inspections.

Vehicle and weapons registration

Register and de-register vehicles, issuing Military License’s, Register and de-register weapons

Driver’s testing and licensing

Driver’s testing is every Wednesday, except German and US holidays from September to December when an alternate day will be announced.

Appointments for license renewals, replacements, reinstatements and changes can be made throughout the week.

POV Inspection Point

Transportation Motor Pool

Requests for official vehicles are usually submitted through the unit’s transportation coordinator. The driver picks up dispatch, keys, fuel coupons, etc. The fuel station is located on Artillery Kaserne and is fully automated and available 24 hours a day.

Supply Support Element

Purchasing, Property Book/Central Receiving Point

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Civilian Personnel Online Local National Jobs TRICARE Federal Voting Assistance ProgramThe Official Garmisch-Partenkirchen Website

Click for Army Links
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Page last updated Friday, July 27, 2012 13:06