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PEO Soldier Celebrates Tenth Anniversary

PEO Soldier celebrated its 10th Anniversary as a dedication to the Soldier and a reminder of the commitment of the critical role we play to bring the best equipment to the Soldier. Former Program Executive Officers Brigadier General (Ret) James R. Moran, Major General Peter N. Fuller, and Major General Camille M. Nichols were all present for the ceremony. Major General R. Mark Brown was unable to attend due to his current deployment, but did send his warmest wishes via a video presentation. One of the key components of the event was also the unveiling of the new PEO Soldier logo. “It is a visual representation that embodies the values of PEO Soldier’s dedication to the Soldier for they are our Strength and our Purpose”, said Major General Nichols. Following the 10th Anniversary, PEO Soldier performed the change of charter between Major General Camille M. Nichols and Brigadier General Paul A. Ostrowski, our newest PEO Soldier!

PEO Soldier

Read the Army News Service article: PEO Soldier celebrates anniversary, welcomes new leader, unveils new logo

Posted in From the PEO.

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