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Articles with keyword "painting"

<em>The Apotheosis of Washington</em>


The Other Jefferson Davis

By Guy Gugliotta

The U.S. Capitol, as we know it today, would never have existed without Jefferson Davis.

cover of Unique Slant of Light


Southern Imagination

By Amy Lifson

A new book examines centuries of art in Louisiana.

Simmie Knox's portrait of John Hope Franklin.


To See a Face

By Henry Wiencek

Simmie Knox's bumpy road from abstract artist to presidential portraitist.


A mural from <em>The Negro in America's Wars</em> series, 1944, by Lew Davis


A Century of Art

By Laura Wolff Scanlan

"Hearing the Century: Voices of Arizona's Arts Past and Present" features Arizona artists and history.

Stein in France with her longtime friend Bernard Faÿ


The Strange Politics of Gertrude Stein

By Barbara Will

Was the den mother of modernism a fascist?

John Updike


The Artist as Showman

Jefferson Lecturer John Updike talks with NEH Chairman Bruce Cole about his writing, the "gorgeous creatures" of modernism, and much else.

Helen Clay Frick standing, wearing black trench coat, in Belgium.


All the Art

By Amy Lifson

The records division at the Frick continues working toward the great goal of its founder.

Genevieve receiving King Mark's letter


Dating Fashionable Middle-Aged People

By Katy Werlin

A scholar's epic journey to catalog two hundred years of medieval dress.

Book cover for Jean Fouquet and the Invention of France


Crowning Achievement

By Steve Moyer

Fifteenth-century French painter Jean Fouquet was a curious artist—

Hogue painting


Fire on the Walls

By Patricia Mora

Texas looks at the land through the eyes of artist Alexandre Hogue.