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Library of COALEX Research Reports

COALEX Research Reports are the products of research and analysis conducted on specific issues relating to the regulation of Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. The research is conducted in response to requests for information from State Regulatory Authorities, under a cooperative agreement between the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) and the Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC).

COALEX refers to the Library of Surface Mining Ma= terials maintained by OSM in LEXIS-NEXIS and is a major source for the research.

Each Report includes a list of resources which were sent as attachments to the individual who requested the research. To obtain a copy of the attachments or to obtain any additional information, contact Joyce Zweben Scall by phone at 202-686-9138 or by email at


July 25, 1984

Bob Nickel, Director
Division of Permits
Department for Surface Mining
6th Floor, Capital Plaza Tower
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601


INQUIRY: What methods are utilized by West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana to fulfill hydrologic and geologic data collection and monitoring requirements?

SEARCH RESULTS: In his memorandum of July 9, 1984, Mr. Kenes Bowling enclosed Pennsylvania's response to the inquiry as well as a preliminary COALEX printout. Since that time, a comprehensive COALEX search has been performed.


The files for West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana in the COALEX Library were searched for statutes and regulations concerning requirements for hydrologic and geologic permitting and/or groundwater monitoring. The regulations identified as a result of the search are listed below as attachments and are enclosed with this Report.


  1. Sec. 6A.02 Surface Mining; Permit Requirements: Hydrologic Information and Analysis.
  2. Sec. 7A.02 Underground Mining; Permit Requirements: Hydrologic Information and Analysis.
  3. Sec. 8A.02 Facilities Incidental to Coal Mining; Permit Requirements: Permit Requirements: Hydrologic Information and Analysis.

  5. V771.23 Surface Coal Mining: Gen. Reg. For Permits: Format and Contents.
  6. V780.21 Surface Coal Mining Permit Application; Protection of Hydrologic Balance.
  7. V784.17 Underground Coal Mining Permit Application; Protection of Hydrologic Balance.
  8. V816.31 Surface Mining Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Gen. Req.
  9. V816.52 Surface Mining Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance; Surf= ace and Ground Water Monitoring.

  11. 87.43 Information of Environmental Resources; Hydrology and Geology: Gen. Req.
  12. 87.44 Information of Environmental Resources; Geology Description.
  13. 87.45 Information of Environmental Resources; Ground Water Information.
  14. 87.46 Information of Environmental Resources; Surface Water Information.
  15. 87.47 Information of Environmental Resources; Alternative Water Supply Information.
  16. 87.69 Operation and Reclamation Plan; Protection of Hydrologic Balance.
  17. 87.101 Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Gen. Req..
  18. 87.116 Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Ground Water Monitoring.
  19. 87.117 Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Surface Water Monitoring.
  20. 89.35 Underground Mining; Prediction of the Hydrologic Consequences.
  21. 89.36 Underground Mining; Protection of the Hydrologic Balance.
  22. 90.101 Coal Refuse Disposal; Hydrologic Balance: Gen. Req.
  23. 90.115 Coal Refuse Disposal; Hydrologic Balance: Ground Water Monitoring.
  24. 90.116 Coal Refuse Disposal; Hydrologic Balance: Surface Water Monitoring.

  25. OHIO
  26. 1501:13-9-04 Protection of Hydrologic System.

  28. 310 IAC 12-3-47 Surface Mining Permit Applications: Hydrologic Balance.
  29. 310 IAC 12-3-81 Underground Mining Permit Applications: Hydrologic Balance.
  30. 310 IAC 12-5-16 Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Gen. Req.
  31. 310 IAC 12-5-27 Performance Stds.; Hydrologic Balance: Surface and Ground Water Monitoring.

Search conducted by: Michael Tucker

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