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U.S. Marshals Service

Fact Sheets  

Facts and Figures


  • 94 U.S. marshals, one for each federal court district
  • 3,953 deputy U.S. marshals and criminal investigators
  • 1,628 administrative employees and detention enforcement officers
  • 5,675 total employees
  • 94 districts, 218 sub-offices, four foreign field offices


  • FY 2010 salaries and expenses appropriation: $1.125 billion

Fugitive Operations

  • Arrested more than 36,100 federal fugitives, clearing approximately 39,100 felony warrants in FY 2010
  • Marshals-led district task forces arrested more than 81,900 state and local fugitives, clearing approximately 108,200 state and local felony warrants, in FY 2010
  • Marshals-led regional task forces closed more than 52,000 felony warrants by arrest, including 1,953 homicide warrants, in FY 2010
  • Arrested more than 3,600 homicide suspects and more than 4,800 gang members in FY 2010
  • Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006:
  • Apprehended 11,072 sex offenders in FY 2010
  • Initiated 3,025 cases, issued 426 warrants and arrested 360 people for other violations of the law in FY 2010
  • Extradited/deported 805 fugitives from 67 countries in FY 2010
  • Captured 211 “15 Most Wanted” fugitives since 1983
  • Completed 6,917 special deputations in FY 2010

Judicial Security

  • Ensures the safe and secure conduct of judicial proceedings at more than 400 locations in 94 federal court districts, protecting more than 2,000 federal judges and approximately 5,250 other court officials
  • Provides protection for federal judges, U.S. attorneys, assistant U.S. attorneys, personnel, jurors, the visiting public and prisoners
  • Assesses, mitigates and deters approximately 1,400 threats and inappropriate communications against the judiciary each year
  • Provides a 24/7 response capability to review and respond to threats against the judiciary through the national Threat Management Center
  • Protects the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington, D.C., and when he travels
  • Protects the deputy attorney general in Washington, D.C., and when he travels
  • Protects Supreme Court Justices when outside of Washington, D.C.
  • Coordinates security for judicial conferences throughout the United States
  • Provides protective details for foreign officials during the United Nations General Assembly sessions

Asset Forfeiture

  • Currently manages nearly 18,000 assets valued at approximately $3.9 billion
  • Cash and financial instruments represent 91 percent of total value
  • Real property represents 3.5 percent of total value
  • Vehicles represent 3.4 percent of total value (more than 4,400 vehicles)
  • FY 2010 payments made to victims of crime and claimants: approximately $345 million
  • FY 2010 payments made to state and local law enforcement agencies: approximately $580 million
  • More than $6.1 billion shared with participating state and local law enforcement agencies since FY 1985
  • Manages and sells assets seized and forfeited by federal law enforcement agencies nationwide as part of the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program
  • Compensates victims, supplements funding for law enforcement initiatives and supports community programs with proceeds generated from asset sales
  • Helps to combat major criminal activity by stripping criminals of their ill-gotten gains

Prisoner Operations

  • Prisoners in daily custody: approximately 63,000
  • Housed in state, local and private jails: approximately 50,400
  • Housed in federal Bureau of Prisons facilities: approximately 12,600
  • Prisoners received in FY 2010: 225,329
  • Agreements with state, local and private jails to house inmates: 1,800
  • Houses and transports all federal prisoners from the time they enter federal custody until they are either acquitted or convicted and delivered to their designated federal Bureau of Prisons facility
  • Assumes custody for all prisoners charged with a federal offense, no matter which agency made the arrest

Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation

  • 356,603 federal prisoner movements in FY 2010 (206,358 by air; 150,245 by ground)
  • More than 2,000 non-federal prisoner movements in FY 2010
  • Moves prisoners between judicial districts, correctional institutions and foreign countries
  • Transports sentenced prisoners who are in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons to hearings, court appearances and detention facilities
  • Uses a network of aircraft, cars, vans and buses

Witness Security

  • Witnesses: more than 8,300 since 1971
  • Family members: more than 9,800 since 1971
  • Provides for the security, safety and health of government witnesses and their authorized family members, whose lives are in danger as a result of their cooperation with the U.S. government

Special Operations Group

  • Performs tactical operations for sensitive and classified missions involving homeland security, national emergencies, domestic crises and the intelligence community
  • Performs specialties involving high-risk entry, explosive breaching, sniper/observer, rural operations, evasive driving, less lethal munitions, waterborne operations and tactical medical support
  • Specially trained tactical unit created in 1971

Office of Public Affairs
Revised April 15, 2011 is an official site of the U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Department of Justice