Louisiana Secretary of State
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At GeauxBiz.com, we understand the frustrations that a current or potential business owner can encounter when trying to obtain information about the licenses and permits necessary for doing business in Louisiana.

GeauxBiz.com is a starting point for customers to obtain information regarding which state agencies will need to be contacted for a variety of registration documents. Our staff will prepare a customized business license checklist tailored to your specific business licensing need.

Small business is the backbone of the American economy. Every new business and every new job is important to the prosperity of this state and we wish you success in your endeavor.

GeauxBiz.com is here to serve you, the citizens and businesses of Louisiana. We offer a wide array of free and helpful services which we hope you will use. Visit our Web site for frequent updates about regulation changes, tips and ideas from business owners, including testimonials of business owners who have used GeauxBiz.com.

Click here to complete business checklist.

This Web site and its contents are the property of the State of Louisiana © 2009