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:: Office of the Inspector General Internships

Inspector General Internships:

The U.S. International Trade commission (USITC) is an independent, quasi-judicial Federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. The agency investigates the effects of dumped and subsidized imports on domestic industries and conducts global safeguard investigations. The Commission also adjudicates cases involving imports that allegedly infringe intellectual property rights.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for agency oversight, the investigation and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse, and the promotion of effectiveness, efficiency, and integrity of the USITC.

The OIG has internship positions available for undergraduate students in their final year of an accredited, four-year accounting, finance, or IT program; graduate students seeking an advanced degree in accounting, finance, or IT; or J.D. candidates who have completed at least one year of law school. The OIG will accept applications on a rolling basis.

Interns will receive experience in all aspects of OIG work. The work normally assigned to an intern consists primarily of research, the development and design of planning documents, the writing and review of memoranda and other official publications, and assisting with audits, inspections, evaluations, and other actions as necessary. OIG interns are regularly included in the twice a week staff meetings during which current issues relating to USITC, international trade, or Inspector General areas of responsibility are presented and discussed.

The normal internship period is approximately three to four months and corresponds roughly to the fall, spring or summer semester of the standard academic year. During the summer an intern should be able to work full-time (40 hours per week), and a minimum of 15 hours per week during the fall or spring.

Although OIG will not offer compensation for internship work, many interns work with their schools to arrange academic credit and/or financial assistance for the time they spend at the agency.

Those interested in an internship position at USITC should send a resume and cover letter to Sabrina M. Segal by e-mail (

Applicants should also indicate the approximate dates when they would be available. All interns must be United States citizens and pass a background check.


Inspector General Seal