111th Congress
Full Committee

H.R. 4645, Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act

Issues: Farm Bill


To remove obstacles to legal sales of United States agricultural commodities to Cuba and to end travel restrictions on all Americans to Cuba. Passed Committee by a roll call vote of 25 to 20 and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, June 30, 2010.


  • H.R.4645 - Rep. Collin C. Peterson, D-Minn. (introduced 2/23/2010)

Roll Call Votes

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Rooney/Baca
amendment, Roll Call # 1

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Conaway #1
amendment, Roll Call # 2

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Conaway #2
amendment, Roll Call # 3

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Lucas amendment, Roll Call # 4

Costa motion to table the Goodlatte motion to report the bill without
recommendation, Roll Call # 5

Goodlatte motion to report H.R. 4645 to the House without recommendation, Roll Call # 6

Holden motion to report H.R. 4645 favorably to the House, Roll Call # 7