Chairman King Statement on Obama Administration’s Decision to Purchase Illinois Prison Where it Sought to House Guantanamo Terrorists

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement on the Obama Administration’s purchase of Thomson Prison in Illinois: 

“After widespread and bipartisan opposition to President Obama’s outrageous and dangerous plan to close the ultra-secure detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and import the terrorists to the U.S. Homeland for trial in civilian courts in New York City and elsewhere, I thought this issue was settled.

“Apparently not.

“In order to keep these terrorists out of the United States, Congress reflected the will of the American people by explicitly opposing the purchase of the Thomson Illinois prison, where the Obama Administration has sought to transfer the Guantanamo terrorists. 

“Yet, in direct defiance of the will of the People, the Administration today announced that it will buy the Thomson prison for at least $165 million. 

“Obama Administration officials today promised that Guantanamo terrorists will not be transferred to the Thomson prison, citing Congressional action prohibiting it.  I have trouble believing Obama Administration promises.

“If the Obama Administration is willing to ignore Congress about the purchase of the Thomson prison, how are the American people expected to trust that the Administration will not ignore Congress about the transfer of terrorists into it?  I pledge to continue working to keep the Obama Administration from moving dangerous terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. Homeland.” 
