Today's Military:

Career FAQs

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact a recruiter.

How can candidates get specific military jobs in which they are interested?

Thousands of different jobs are available, but not in each Service or at all times. Careers are determined by a combination of the Services’ needs, ASVAB test scores and the recruit’s preference. There is no guarantee a certain job will be available or that a recruit will qualify for the position. Potential recruits and parents should review the job categories in the Careers section of this site and get an idea of what they find appealing. A recruiter can help candidates tailor their career paths in the Military.


Where can I see a list of military occupations?

Because Services’ needs are always changing, it is challenging to keep a list of military occupations current. Start by reviewing the Careers section of this site, and then contact a recruiter to discuss the latest available titles or visit the Services’ websites.


How can a young person learn what job might be good for him or her?

The ASVAB test helps young people identify the things they’re good at, the things they’re interested in and what will most likely be a good job match. Learn more about the ASVAB.


What is pay like for military jobs?

For more information on pay and benefits, visit our compensation section.


Is it possible to switch jobs once in the Military?

The short answer is “yes.” However, many military jobs come with time commitments, so a servicemember might be obligated to remain in a specific career for the length of his or her contract. It is best to ask a recruiter for specifics, or, if already serving, to speak with the command career counselor.


What is the difference between enlisted and officer?

Enlisted servicemembers and officers are equally important to the success of military missions. Here are the primary differences between the two types of roles:


  • Join with a high school diploma (or equivalent)
  • Fill office, transportation, mechanical, human service and combat jobs
  • Make up about 84 percent of service personnel
  • Have a pay grade E-1 through E-9


  • Join with a four-year college degree or higher
  • Fill managerial, professional and technical jobs
  • Include: doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, pilots, etc.
  • Make up about 16 percent of service personnel
  • Have a pay grade O-1 through O-10

Learn more about the enlisted entry process
Learn more about the officer commissioning process


How often do servicemembers get raises?

Servicemembers usually receive a modest pay raise annually, to keep pace with the cost of living. In addition, raises are received when servicemembers are promoted to the next pay grade. (This is generally associated with a new rank or the amount of time an individual has served.) Time between promotions varies based on servicemember performance.

Learn more about military compensation


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