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Paid Sick Days May Be Coming to New York City
Council Member Gale A. Brewer introduced a bill that positions New York to become the fourth municipality in the country to pass paid sick days legislation.
>>Read the release

Sotomayor Confirmed! Proud Moment for Nation
For the first time ever, the Senate has confirmed a Latina to serve on our highest court. Sotomayor will be a superb Supreme Court Justice and an inspirational figure for generations to come.
>>Read the statement
>>Read the Justice Matters report

Employee Free Choice Act
Leading women's groups urge Congress to support the Employee Free Choice Act, legislation that is critical to restoring the right to organize and bargain.
>>Read the news release

Benefit-Setting Commission Critical in Health Care Reform
Patient, consumer groups applaud Senator Merkley’s amendment creating an independent commission on essential health benefits
>>Read the statement

Serious Blow to Equal Opportunity
The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Ricci v. DeStefano is a serious blow to equal opportunity and to the civil rights laws that women and people of color have long relied on to open doors in the workplace. 
>>Read the statement 

New Study: Paid Sick Days Will Improve Nation’s Health
House lawmakers hold hearing on family-friendly legislation
>>Read the news release

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Honoring Valerie Jarrett

The National Partnership was proud to honor Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to President Obama, at its 2009 Annual Luncheon.
>>See event highlights, including videos, photos, transcript, more.


Recent Daily Report Headlines:
  • PUBLIC HEALTH & EDUCATION | CDC Drafting Recommendation of Routine Circumcision for Male Infants To Prevent Spread of HIV
  • NATIONAL POLITICS & POLICY | Rep. Stupak Reaffirms Opposition to Abortion-Related Provision in House Health Reform Bill
  • IN THE COURTS | Court Rules Family of Girl Who Underwent Forced Genital Mutilation Can Seek Political Asylum
  • >>Subscribe to the Daily Report today!