Program Conditions

An Intern must agree to:

  • Complete the entire ten-week, full-time internship in the assigned office in Washington, D.C.;
  • Reside in housing provided by the Foundation for the duration of the internship;
  • Abide by the policies and rules set forth by the Foundation and host university;
  • Be respectful and considerate of fellow interns;
  • Undertake not to engage in additional employment for the ten-week internship period;
  • Participate in all scheduled program meetings and activities;
  • Conduct himself or herself in a professional manner;
  • Represent the ideals of Congressman Morris K. Udall, Stewart L. Udall and the Udall Foundation: civility, integrity, and consensus.

In order to complete the program, an Intern must:

  • Participate in enrichment activities;
  • Prepare a research presentation;
  • Submit a written evaluation of the internship program and intern experience.

The Foundation may withhold the Intern’s educational stipend or terminate an internship due to unsatisfactory performance or failure to comply with any of the above conditions.