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  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is welcomed by Irish Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore at the OSCE meeting in Dublin Thursday Dec. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Kevin Lamarque , Pool) © AP Image

    Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the OSCE Ministerial

    As we approach the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act, it is important to remember that those accords and this organization that sprang from them affirmed an inextricable link between the security of states and the security of citizens.

  • Ambassador Stephen Mull and Mayor of Łódź Hanna Zdanowska at a press conference

    Ambassador Mull Visited Łódź

    On December 5, 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Poland Stephen Mull paid a visit to the city of Łódź. He met with high ranking officials of the city and province, saw the Jewish cemetery and the Radegast station of the Bałuty district. He also met with the students of the University of Łódź.

  • Eduardo Sastre

    Eduardo Sastre Discusses Nuclear Power in Poland

    Eduardo Sastre, a technical reviewer at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), is in Poland for three months to work with Polish regulators, trade groups, institutions of higher education and other stakeholders as Poland builds a safe and secure civilian nuclear power program.

  • Ambassador Mull addressing the students at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw

    Amb. Mull’s First Town Hall Meeting with Students

    On December 4, Ambassador Mull spoke to over 500 students at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. He introduced the audience to his goals and priorities as US Ambassador to Poland, and addressed students’ questions about current U.S. foreign policy and other issues.


  • Andy Warhol Exhibit in Krakow

    The U.S. Consulate General in Krakow invites to visit the exhibit “Andy Warhol,” organized by the International Cultural Center...

More from Embassy Warsaw

  • Secretary Hillary Clinton
    Secretary Clinton at the Foreign Policy Group's "Transformational Trends 2013" Forum

    Thank you very much, David, and I’ll look forward to seeing your Ellen DeGeneres imitation. I’m very pleased to be here, and I want to thank all of you for your attention to this event and the topics that have been covered. Before I begin, I want to say a few words about the unfortunate and counterproductive resolution at the United Nations General Assembly that just passed, because it places further obstacles in the path to peace. We have been clear that only through direct negotiations between the parties can the Palestinians and Israelis achieve the peace that both deserve: two states for two people, with a sovereign, viable, independent Palestine living side by side in peace and security with a Jewish and democratic Israel. 

  • Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
    Ambassador Susan Rice on Palestinian Observer State Status Resolution

    For decades, the United States has worked to help achieve a comprehensive end to the long and tragic Arab-Israeli conflict. We have always been clear that only through direct negotiations between the parties can the Palestinians and Israelis achieve the peace that both deserve: two states for two peoples, with a sovereign, viable and independent Palestine living side by side in peace and security with a Jewish and democratic Israel.  

  • Secretary Hillary Clinton
    Secretary Clinton's Speech on The U.S. and Europe: A Revitalized Global Partnership

    Thank you very much. It’s wonderful to be back at Brookings. It’s always a joy to be introduced by such a longtime friend and colleague as Strobe Talbott and to have this opportunity to discuss with you how we have, over the last four years, revitalized our transatlantic alliance. I also want to recognize and thank members of the diplomatic corps who are here. 

  • Secretary Hillary Clinton
    Secretary's Remarks in Recognition of World AIDS Day

    Thank you all very much. Oh my goodness. Thank you. I think we could just end the program right now. (Laughter.) Florence, thank you. Thank you for continuing to be a smiling advocate on behalf of an AIDS-free generation. And congratulations on those two sons of yours, who are the strongest evidence of what we can achieve. I’m very grateful to you for sharing your energy, your story, and your passion with us today. 

  • Ambassador Mull at the controls of Black Hawk helicopter
    Ambassador Mull Visits Podkarpacie

    On November 29-30, 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Poland Stephen Mull visited the Podkarpacie Province. In the city of Rzeszow, he toured the state-of-the-art Nanotechnology Center at Rzeszow University. He also met with the students of the Higher School of Law and Administration and talked about the life of a diplomat in Poland in the 1980s and today. Asked about his greatest dream, he answered that dream had already come true: he is Ambassador to Poland! In the city of Mielec, Ambassador Mull visited the PZL Mielec, a Sikorsky Company, and had a chance to sit at the controls of one of the Black Hawk helicopters manufactured jointly by the Poles and the Americans. 

  • Ambassador Stephen Mull in TVN24
    Watch Ambassador Mull’s Interview on TVN24

    Ambassador Mull appeared as a guest on TVN24’s “Wstajesz i Wiesz”. He was asked about his impression of Poland since his arrival, U.S.-Poland cooperation and he even revealed his favorite music artist. 

  • Vice President Joe Biden
    Biden on International Day for Ending Violence Against Women

    Millions of women and girls around the globe face violence in their homes and neighborhoods, their schools and workplaces, refugee camps and conflict zones. We have made progress in addressing this violence, and our Administration has taken unprecedented steps to advance the status of women and girls worldwide. But for far too many women the daily threat of violence persists. Ending this problem requires the concerted effort of the international community, civil society, and the many unsung heroes who work tirelessly to stop violence against women in their own communities. 

  • Ambassador Mull visits the plane
    Boeing’s Dreamliner Arrives in Warsaw

    LOT became the first airline in Europe to have an operational Boeing 787 Dreamliner when the first Dreamliner in its fleet touched down at Warsaw's Chopin Airport on Thursday afternoon. Canon-fire and applause greeted the plane as it landed on the tarmac. The aircraft was officially welcomed to Poland by First Lady Anna Komorowska, other Polish officials and U.S. Ambassador to Poland Stephen Mull. 

Ambassador Says Hello to Poland

International Anti-Corruption Day

Celebrate American English Day!

  • Celebrate December 12 as American English Day! On December 12, the State Department will officially launch American English, a website for overseas teachers and learners of English as a foreign language.  This website is an extensive resource center not only for American English language teaching and learning, but also for American culture.  It provides a variety of engaging materials and resources for teachers' professional development and for students in the classroom.

Global Entrepreneurship

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Fact Sheet

  • seal State Department's Fact Sheet on U.S. Relations with Poland