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Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory:

Revised Inventory Synonym and Preferred Name File and SARA Title III (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software)

Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Pollution, Prevention, and Toxics


Subscription order number: SUB-5423

Searchable database on CD-ROM, Issued twice a year
Price $360; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $720

Single issue available: Price $190; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $380


The TSCA CD-ROM assists in identifying chemical substances and cross-referencing to their regulatory names to help companies comply with Community Right To Know requirements, SARA reporting and OSHA.

This easy-to-use CD-ROM lists the latest public information on more than 62,000 chemicals or chemical substances manufactured or imported into the U.S. for commercial purposes as defined under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory provides a link between chemicals in the workplace and regulatory requirements.

The data provided includes the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number, Preferred CA Index Name, molecular formula, and the chemical names reported by the submitters of the data. It also contains EPA codes to identify those substances that are either subject of an EPA rule or order promulgated under TSCA or that are exempt from TSCA inventory update rule reporting, as well as, the Preferred Chemical Abstracts Index Name, CERCLA RQ, RCRA code and more.

Two other files are provided:  

  • 'Premanufacture Notification (PMN) Number to EPA Accession Number Link' file
  • SARA Title III Consolidated Chemical List data.

The 'TITLE III (SARA AND CLEAN AIR ACT AMENDMENTS) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and Accidental Release Prevention Consolidated Chemical List' includes chemicals subject to reporting requirements under Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right- to-Know Act (EPCRA), and chemicals listed under section 112(r) of Title III of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990. This consolidated list has been prepared to help firms handling chemicals determine whether they need to submit reports under sections 302, 304, or 313 of SARA Title III (EPCRA) and, for a specific chemical, what reports may need to be submitted. It will also help firms determine whether they will be subject to accident prevention regulations under CAA section 112(r).

Separate lists are also provided of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) waste streams and unlisted hazardous wastes, and of radionuclides reportable under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). These lists should be used as a reference tool, not as a definitive source of compliance information.

The CD-ROM provides an easy, electronic lookup to identify chemical substances and also assists in identifying chemical substances and cross-referencing to their regulatory names.

  • It has an intuitive interface for search, display and output using Adobe Acrobat CD search software
  • Search on Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) name, CAS number, common name, molecular formula or the chemical names re-ported by the submitters of the data
  • Print or cut and paste into a word processor information of interest.